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civil rights, fair pay, lack of food, social injustice

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Q: What were the nobles and commoners fighting for in the french revolution?
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What are the main components in a revolution?

the componenets were the commoners and the nobles fighting against high taxfares to the king.

What are the three estates in France prior to the revolution?

The Catholic Clergy made up the First Estate. The French Nobles made up the Second Estate. The commoners were all lumped into the Third Estate.

What are the three estates in the French Revolution?

The three Estates were the First Estate which included the Catholic Clergy, the Second Estate which consisted of the French Nobles and the Third Estate which was the commoners who represented 95 to 97% of the population.

Why was the national assembly of the french revolution so important?

The national assembly got rid of feudal privileges of first and second estates, making commoners equal to the nobles and the clergy.

Who won the french revolution villagers or nobles?

nobles :D

What percentage of the population were the nobles during the french revolution?

Approximately 1.5% of the population of France was nobles during the French Revolution.

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Nobles were able to choose a new king, while commoners were not.

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Are nobles against or for the king in the second estate of the French Revolution?

The Nobles were pro Monarchy.

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Nobles and French Revolution

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how is aztec society orginized

The guillotine replaced which method of execution?

It was a substitute for the axe and the sword which had been in use for nobles and the noose which was used for commoners. It was one of the reforms put into place by the French Revolution to provide both less pain and equality.