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Q: How did the Europeans react to the Hawely smooth tariff?
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Why would different sections of the country react differently to a tariff?

It helped the economies of some sections more than others.

How did US voters react to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of 1930?

The legislative analysts determined the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was a large mistake.

How did people in the Northeast the South and the west react to the Tariff of 1816?

Most North Easterner's welcomed the protective tariffs with relief. However, people in the South and the West, whose livelihoods did not depends on manufacturing, were not as eager to tax European imports.

How did the people in the northeast the south and the west react to the tariff of 1816?

Most North Easterner's welcomed the protective tariffs with relief. However, people in the South and the West, whose livelihoods did not depends on manufacturing, were not as eager to tax European imports.

How did President Andrew Jackson react to South Carolina's threat to nullify the 1828 Tariff of Abominations?

He was totally against nullification and did everything he could think of to fight it and to prevent the next logical step which would be secession, if nullification did not work to solve their grievances. More specifically, he armed federal forts in SC more strongly and replaced some of their personnel with men he could trust and threatened to use force to collect the tariff. "Tell the nullifiers from me that they can talk and write to their hearts' content. But if one drop of blood is shed there in defiance of the laws of the United States, I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands to the first tree I can find."

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Sometimes a country suffering from a protective tariff will enact a tariff of its own on a product.

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Why would different sections of the country react differently to a tariff?

It helped the economies of some sections more than others.

How did US voters react to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act of 1930?

The legislative analysts determined the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act was a large mistake.

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Do smooth muscles react quickly?

Generally not. The striated (skeletal muscles) usually act quickly. Smooth muscle is found in blood vessels and the gut and contract more slowly and tonically.

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"This angered progressives who believed Taft had abandoned progressivism."(page 535) in the "The Americans" US History school book"by McDougal Littell

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Hahaahah get a life seventh graders (:

How did people in the Northeast the South and the west react to the Tariff of 1816?

Most North Easterner's welcomed the protective tariffs with relief. However, people in the South and the West, whose livelihoods did not depends on manufacturing, were not as eager to tax European imports.

How did the people in the northeast the south and the west react to the tariff of 1816?

Most North Easterner's welcomed the protective tariffs with relief. However, people in the South and the West, whose livelihoods did not depends on manufacturing, were not as eager to tax European imports.