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Florida used to be owned by Spain until 1819. Before 1819 however, it's been a land of freedom. Seminole Indians and runaway slaves lived there for protection from the United States. The Indians would raid Georgia and retreat back to Florida, the U.S. being powerless to stop the raids. If they did attack, they would wage war with Spain. After a while, the United States threatened to take care of the situation if Spain won't. They would march into Florida and take it over. Spain ceded it over in the Adams-Onis Treaty because they were going to lose it anyway and they were able to clear up other misunderstandings in the Louisiana Purchase.

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Q: How did Texas and Florida become a part of the US?
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1810 Americans in the West Florida, this part of Florida extended to the Mississippi River had revolted against Spanish rule and asked to become part of the US This is straight out of my text book.

When did Florida become a part of America?

It became the 27th US State in 1845.

How did Texas become part of the us?

Texas gave the united states i large part of land in exchange of the U.S. paying their debt. Texas was later annexed to the U.S. in 1846.

What year did Texas become part of the US the first time?

1817 July 4

Why did Jackson not want Texas to become part of the US?

This is not all the resons why but it is one. The U.S. did not alow slaery and Texas wanted slaves