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Q: How did Florida get people to develop land?
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Is Florida a farm land?

The best lands are usually settled and develop into cities...

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By killing People when it touch land that's how it works

Why are Florida's borders were they are?

Because when America was still colonies, the person who owned Florida (probably an earl, who was given the land by King George of England) owned all that land. (S)He sold land to other people, and that whole piece of land that (at the end), he still owned, became Florida.

How did east Florida attract people to live there?

they used land grants or a gift of land from the government- ibna shahalam

Why did people develop land?

people devloped more land to get rid of the anima becausthe animal was taking over our land so when people started to buying more land animls tried to find more homes for them and there babies to live in.

How did the land of Bulgaria benefit the people here?

Its a place for Bulgarians to live, to develop themselves

Why did the the demand for slave labor develop in the Americas?

They didn't have enough people to work for them on their land.

What is the Dutch land grant system?

The Dutch land grant system was a government program that gifted land to individual people. These land gifts were usually in return for services to the government. Land grants were also used as incentives for people to develop unused land.

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Where do most people live in Florida?

fu***ng as**ole land you bi**h

What land does Florida have?

Any land

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