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Q: How did Germanic tribes learn about Christianity during the middle age?
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What was most common religion in medieval times?

People submit to Christianity during those period so that the Germanic Tribes wouldn't harm them.

What were the characteristics of the Germanic tribes that invaded Europe during the middle ages?

The Germanic people are a historical group of Indo-European-speaking peoples, originating in Northern Europe

When were the various germanic peoples converted to Christianity?

Many of them were converted during the fourth century. Constantine began a practice that any peace treaty entered into with the conquered tribes required their conversion to Christianity.

What are 3 roots of the Middle Ages?

The three stages of knight hood were a page then a squire then finally you were a knight.

How France got its name?

France got its name because it was the main territory of the Frankish Empire. The Franks were a group a Germanic tribes during the Early Middle Ages.

Where did the most of Invaders of the roman Empire Originate?

Germanic barbarian tribes

What is an angon?

An angon is a type of javelin with a barbed tip used in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by the Franks and Germanic tribes.

What alphabets were used by Germanic tribes?

Literate Germanic tribes used Norse runes, although some tribes were aware of the Latin alphabet as well.

The word gothic has its origins in the name of Germanic tribe that helped bring about?

It was the Germanic tribes including the Goths who attacked the Roman borders and invaded Italy. When the barbarians won and Rome fell, the middle ages began in 410 AD.The name of a Germanic tribe.

5 germanic tribes?


What tribes invade northern Rome?

The Germanic tribes

Who spoke Germanic?

Germanic languages were spoken by ancient Germanic tribes and later evolved into modern German, English, Dutch, and other languages. Some famous Germanic-speaking figures include the Anglo-Saxon warriors who invaded England, Charlemagne of the Franks, and the Gothic tribes in Eastern Europe.