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That some kushite women served as religious and political leader.

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Q: How did Griots contribute to West African societies?
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Who were the griots what role did they play in west African society?

griots were important in african society because they were african messengers.

Why were griots important?

Griots are important because it represented west African culture and society

What were West African oral historians called?

They were known as Griots.

What does griots mean?

Griots refer to the storytellers from West African. They usually tell the oral traditions of a village or a family. They usually tell their stories in the evening after the evening meal.

How was lineage important in west African societies?

the importance of lineage groups in western african societies

What did the griots of West Africa preserver?

The Griots passed on history of West Africa by telling stories

How did the caravel contribute to the destruction of coastal African societies?

The Caravel was a Portuguese ship used for exploration along the West African coast. This enabled the Portuguese to colonize the African coasts, discover a route to India and to engage in slave trade. The Portuguese captured the African and sold them into slavery. Portuguese occupation led to the destruction of coastal African societies.

What led to the rise of the kings in West African societies?

As West African societies developed complex trade systems, some powerful individuals called kings gained control

Which factors helped west african societies to become wealthy?

Factors that helped some West African societies to become wealthy include the presence of oil and gas reserves.

Who invention music first?

One can trace the history of rap back to the West African professional singers/storytellers known as Griots.

What traits did west African societies share?

They were all slavers.

How were women viewed in the west African societies?

mostly equal to men