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by plotting the distribution of open clusters

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Q: How did Harlow Shapley determine where the center of the galaxy lies?
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What did Harlow Shapley discover?

Harlow Shapley studied globular clusters and used the position of the clusters to locate the sun in the middle of our galaxy. He found out he was wrong but figured out that the sun was in one of the spiral arms in our galaxy

Why was Harlow Shaply famous?

Harlow Shapley was born on November 2, 1885 and died on October 20, 1972. Harlow Shapley would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 129 years old today.

Did Shapley used the distribution of globular clusters in the galaxy to determine that the Sun was not at the center of the Milky Way?

mabye yes

Who was the first astronomer to get a reasonable idea of the size and shape of the galaxy?

The first astronomer to propose a reasonable idea of the size and shape of the galaxy was Harlow Shapley in the early 20th century. He used the variable stars known as Cepheid variables to estimate the size of the Milky Way and its position within it. His work helped establish the notion of the galaxy as a vast, spiral-shaped structure.

Which astronomer argued that the milky way is not overwhelmingly huge and that the nebulas are star systems like our own and are immensely distant from it?

As that's the prevailing view, pretty much everybody except Harlow Shapley, who thought the Milky Way was the major feature of the universe and all the "nebulae" were its satellites. In the "Great Debate" (in the year 1920) between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis on this subject, it was Curtis who argued that many of the nebulae were outside our Galaxy. So, the answer you want is probably "Heber Curtis".

Which objects contain super massive black holes?

As best we can determine, every galaxy has one in its center.

What is the center of your galaxy named?

Probably the same as the center of YOUR galaxy.

What color is the center of the spiral galaxy?

The center of a spiral galaxy is which color

What color is the center of a spiral galaxy?

The center of a spiral galaxy is which color

What measurements are needed to determine the entire mass of the Milky Way Galaxy?

The average stellar mass x the number of stars ______________________________ We can calculate the mass of the Milky Way by observing the speed at which stars orbit the center, as long as we can determine how far away they are from the center.

What is A galaxy with a huge bulge in its center?

A spiral galaxy

What was the most common star travel path?

I can't determine what you're asking about. Stars do travel; they orbit around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.