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Q: How did Henry vii avoid war with Spain?
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What wars did Henry VII have?

The war of Roses

Who won the battle war of the roses?

Lancastrian Faction.

How did Henry VII become king in the battle of bosworth in the war of the roses?

Henry Tudor killed Richard III at the battle of Bosworth field. So Henry Tudor became King Henry VII the first Tudor king of England. P.S. Only Henry VII was called Henry Tudor

How many battle men did Henry VII have in the war of roses?


How similar were Henry vii and Henry VIII reign?

Not very similar. Henry VIII basically reformed the church to Protestantism. Henry the VII consolidated his power and began settling things down after the War of the Roses

Who defeated King Richard III in the War of the Roses?

Henry Tudor, who was crowned King Henry VII.

What ended the war of roses?

The War of the Roses ended with the accession of Henry VII to the English throne.

Was Henry VII on the lancasterian side in the war of the roses?

No, Henry VII was on the Yorkist side in the War of the Roses. He was the founder of the Tudor dynasty and won the crown by defeating King Richard III, a Lancastrian, at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. Henry VII's victory effectively ended the war and marked the beginning of the Tudor period in England.

How did Henry VII unite England?

By marrying Elizabeth and ending the war of Roses.

Who is Henry 8th's mum and dad?

Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York.

What was the name of the man who eventually won the War of the Roses?

Henry Tudor, who took the throne of England as Henry VII.

What makes Henry vii significant?

He won the war of the roses and was the first Tudor king