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Q: How did Isaac Newton describe the way gravity pulls objects?
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Who is the first person to describe the force of gravity?

Isaac Newton

Who was the first British scientist to describe gravity?

Isaac Newton was the first british scientist to describe gravity.

What did Isaac Newton relize?

Gravity is what keeps objects anchored to the earth.

Who explained that gravity keeps objects in orbit?

Sir Isaac Newton did.

What was Isaac newton theories?

Isaac newton discovered the law of gravity.

What contribution did Isaac Newton?

Isaac Newton is the man who described the laws of how objects move when forces act upon them, and devised the mathematical equations that describe how gravity affects other objects. Please note that Newton did NOT figure out how gravity works; we STILL don't how how or why it works as it does. But because of Newton, we can calculate how objects will behave under the influence of gravity or other forces. In order to devise these equations, Newton developed a branch of Mathematics called the "calculus" He was not the only Mathematician to contribute but the calculus is used in many other applications.

Who developed a theory about the effect of gravity?

Isaac newton

Who first tested the effect of gravity on falling objects?

Sir Isaac Newton........ Answer2: Galileo.

When did Isaac Newton dicover gravity?

Isaac newton discovered gravity in 1832 and had it published in 1899

What is the connection between Sir Isaac Newton and gravity?

Isaac Newton created many of the fundamental ideas of gravity and how it works. He came up with the idea of gravity when he was sitting in his chair and an apple fell. It basically says things with mass are attracted to other things with mass and its equations helped us find, very accurately, the orbits of the planets as well as many other things simply dealing with gravitational attraction.

What did Isaac Newton descover?

isaac newton was the first to descover gravity!

Who explained gravity and centrifugal force?

Isaac newton