

How did Jesus begin Christianity?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Jesus provided much of the teachings that Christians now use to define their religion, and apparently established the first Christian leaders. Beyond citing much of Christian history as related through the New Testament, there is little to say except "he started it".

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Q: How did Jesus begin Christianity?
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Christianity means followers of Jesus Christ. After the passing on of Jesus, the Apostle came together to continue the work. This was the start of Christianity in Jerusalem.

In which present - Day country did the religion of Christianity begin?

Christianity started in Israel, with the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ.

Did Christianity begin in the Old Testament?

It started after the death of Jesus Christ.

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Jesus was not committed to Christianity because He was Jewish. Christianity did not begin until after Jesus died.

In what country did christianity begin?

well Jesus taught in Israel so i guess there

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Jesus Christ and a small group of followers in circa 27 AD.

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Jesus was Jewish. His actions later led to the founding of Christianity.

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No: prejudice has always existed. It would be unfair to suggest that it developed within Christianity.

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The major beliefs of Christianity began with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ Himself. These are particularly centered on the death and resurrection and their meaning to his followers.

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AnswerMost people believe that Christianity began with the mission of Jesus of Nazareth, in the Palestinian provinces of Galilee and Judea. A minority view is that Christianity actually began in Syria, or even Egypt.

Why Christianity begin?

Truly Christianity began in Judaism, but if you're asking why did they split up, it is because Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, aka son of God, Jews claim that he is not.

Was Christianity the religion that Jesus had practiced?

No. Christianity was a religion that was created after Jesus' death. Jesus was a Jew.