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The death and resurrection of Jesus, gave humanity a choice.

Adam 'sold mankind into sin', that is, all his yet-unborn children. He'd had no children before he sinned. They all came AFTER his sin, when he was imperfect, so because of his rebellion, all his descendants (us) are damaged and 'miss the mark' of perfection. Without Jesus' sacrifice, we would all have nothing but death and nothingness to look forward to. (Ecclesiastes 9:5&10)(Ezekiel 18:4)

God sent his only son to pay the 'ransom price' and 'buy us back' from sin and death. Anyone among mankind now has the opportunity to fulfill God's original purpose and live forever, by following Jesus' example, learning about and obeying God. (John 17:3)(John 3:16)(Matthew 7:21-23)

God's will was for a perfect human society to live on a perfect earth forever.

(Isaiah 45:18 & Acts 17:26)

Adam was a perfect man, a 'son of God'(Luke 3:38) created with the wonderful prospect of filling the earth with a perfect human family. (Genesis 1:28)

As long as he remained faithful to God, his creator, Adam would be perfect and would live forever. If he choose to rebel against God, he would lose perfection, and like a lamp unplugged from it's source of energy, he would die.(Genesis 2:16&17)

He chose to listen to Satan, and live independently of God.(Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:4) and so lost his position as God's son, as God said he would if he disobeyed. He then suffered the consequences. He became imperfect, grew old, and eventually died.(Genesis 2:15-17; 3:17-19; Revelation 12:9).

No longer perfect, he could no longer have perfect children(Job 14:4)(Romans 5:12) Sadly, we who are all Adam's children, inherited sin from our forefather Adam, along with its dire consequences, namely aging and death.(Job 14:4; Romans 3:23). Like a dented pie tin…every pie coming from that tin, would have a dent in it….and so we are all 'dented', so to speak, with sin.

Unless God stepped in, there would be no hope, and all humans would just continue to get sick and die, and that would be it.

BUT, Immediately after the first sin, God gave the first prophesy in The Bible, pointing forward to someone who would conquer Satan and rescue mankind . (Genesis 3:15)

IN fulfillment of this prophecy, God sent his son, Jesus, who willingly left his heavenly life with his father,(John 3:13) (John 8:23,57&58)(John 6:38) to become a perfect man, equal to Adam, (1 Corinthians 15:45) to die as a sacrifice and 'buy back' those humans who want to be faithful.(1 Timothy 2:5&6) "An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth"(Exodus 21:23&24) perfect life for perfect life. He 'paid a ransom' and 'bought us back' from sin and the enemy, death. (1 Corinthians 15:26)

The perfect man who remained faithful to death(John 5:30), replaced the perfect man who chose to rebel.

Thanks to Jesus, despite our imperfection, if we are obedient to God and faithfully follow Jesus' life example, we have access to a relationship with God, and death does not have to be the end. We have the hope of living forever someday soon, and the promise of the 'resurrection' if we should die.(Revelation 21:3&4)

The resurrection of Jesus proved that God was in control.(Acts 17:31) He brought Jesus back to life and gave him the position of King of his Kingdom.(Daniel 7:13&14)(Revelation 11:15) "Death", that had ruled as king over mankind since Eden, no longer had the power it once had. (1 Corinthians 15:55). God has power over death, and Jesus, as his appointed king, can and will also resurrect those he chooses to (Acts 24:15)(John 5:28&29). He proved he could do this several times, when he was on earth (Luke 7:12-15)

Then, when all things have reached perfection, Jesus will hand the Kingdom back over to his father, and all things will be as was originally purposed. (1 Corinthians 15:20-28)

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Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. He was born the King. He would minister to God's people (which is everyone) and die and rise again 3 days later to save us from our sins.

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