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Jesus told Peter to go and feed my sheep.

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Q: How did Jesus instruct St Peter to spread the Good News?
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Was Simon Peter a good man?

According to the Christian scriptures, he was a fisherman, until Jesus called him to follow. He then became an apostle/disciple of Jesus and started to spread the Gospel. He was known to deny that he knew Jesus when the authorities wanted to stop Jesus and the new teachings. He later on became a martyr. The Catholics believe he was the first Pope. He is known more familiarly as "Saint Peter".

What is The Mission of the Apostles?

to spread the mission and good news of Jesus.

Where was the first Christian church formed?

It was formed in Jerusalem by Jesus Christ and given to the Apostle Peter to be the Head of it. Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles spread the "good news" around the world and started the Church in Rome.

If it was Mary Magdaline that Jesus charged with carrying on his message or church why is Peter given the credit?

peter wouldn't deserve the credit, if Jesus had really given the responsibility to St. Mary Magdalene. but the idea that Jesus did this is just a bunch of non backed up error that Dan brown writes in his novel and is not true. Jesus entrusted all the apostles, and all of his disciples to spread the good, news, and peter is not given all the credit. but he is given a lot, because he was the first pope and vicar of Christ.

Why peter is not a good example for christian today?

In the four Gospels we are shown that Peter had his ups and downs and that he denied Jesus three times on the night Jesus was arrested. These are negative things in Peter's life, but we all have negatives in our lives, we are human and make mistakes, but Peter's life changed dramatically after Pentecost and he is a good example to follow. I and II Peter are very good books to study and follow.

How did Mary spread the good news?

Mary asked her fellow christians (Mainly her students) to go spread the news about Jesus and God.Mary asked her fellow christians (Mainly her students) to go spread the news about Jesus and God.

What did Simon Peter do for a living before he becomes an apostle?

Simon Peter was a fisherman before becoming an apostle. He worked with his brother Andrew as a fisherman on the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus told Simon and Andrew he would teach them to catch men?

Jesus meant that they were fishers of men, and that means that Jesus told them to spread the good news.

How did St. Peter spread good news?

St. Peter spread the good news of Jesus Christ by traveling to different regions, preaching, and converting people to Christianity. He played a key role in the establishment and growth of the early Christian Church, particularly in Rome.

What were the activities and responsibilities in the early church?

The primary responsibility of the early Christians was to spread the Good News about Jesus and salvation. Deb The main responsibility of the early church was to spread the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ and to help those who became Believers to grow in their faith. Deb

Was Saint Peter ever a good guy?

Jesus was a good man and was an outspoken person. He is the only person known to defend christn the garden of Gethsamene.

What were the activities and responsibilities of the early Christians?

A Christians responsibility's are to heed the words of Jesus Christ and their activity's should reflect this.