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Karl Marx felt that capitalism has social and structural contradictions which would lead to its eventual downfall. This inevitable downfall, in his opinion, would give way to a socialist revolution or a post-capitalistic communist revolution.

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4mo ago

Karl Marx believed that a communist society would arise through a revolution led by the working class, who would overthrow the capitalist system and establish a classless society where resources were held in common. He argued that this revolution would be the result of the inherent contradictions of capitalism, leading to the eventual collapse of the capitalist system.

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13y ago

The capitalist world is one which runs essentially on selfishness. Everybody pursues their own self interest; even those who wish to help others are always free to decide to what extent they wish to do so. The idea of communism is to create a world in which people are not selfish, but instead work for the common good. This is summarized in the phrase "to each according to his needs, and from each according to his abilities". That is to say, everybody gets what they need, because their needs are provided for by the all-encompassing communist society which owns everything and employs everybody, and everybody does their share, under the direction of the all-powerful communist government. It was also anticipated (but never accomplished) that even the all-powerful communist government would eventually become unnecessary, once it was well established that everybody works for the common good rather than for any selfish purpose; this process was known as the "withering away of the state".

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13y ago

yes, for him history was totally deterministic. it could not be any other way.

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11y ago

the middle class would grow more powerful

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Q: How did Karl marx believe in communist society would arise?
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