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Q: How did King Minos keep the Minotaur satisfied?
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Who is the villain in the story Theseus and the Minotaur?

I'd probably say King Minos if anyone, since it was his idea to keep the beast alive and feed it sacrifices.

What city was the minotaur from?

the minotaur came from Greece. Have one princess keep the Minotaur in a cave.

How was the famous Minotaur born?

Before he became king of Crete, Minos struggled with his brothers for power. He prayed to Poseidon to send a snow white bull as a sign of the god's approval. Poseidon did this, but demanded that the bull be sacrificed after Minos became king. Minos, however, was a greedy man, and the bull so beautiful and perfect that he kept it for himself. As punishment, Aphrodite made Minos' wife, Pasiphae, fall madly in love with the bull, to the point that she had Daedelus make a hollow cow form for her so that she could be inside and copulate with the bull. The horrific result of his union was the minotaur, which she named Asterion. The minotaur was nursed by pasiphae until he grew too monstrous, at which point he began to feast on human flesh, since nothing else would sate his monstrous appetite.

Are icarus and minotaur in the same story?

Yes Icarus was the son of Daedalus who built the labyrinth to keep the Minotaur in, they were both prisoners of King Minos in Crete They wanted to escape and go back to Greece, so Daedalus built them wings with wax and feathers, he told his son not to fly too high cause the wax may melt but the son didn't listen to this piece of advice, flew too high, the sun made the wax melt and the wings fell apart, the son fell in the sea and died.

Why does king Minos keep Daedalus?

i assume you are vaguely familiar with the story of daedalus and how he and his son where locked in a tower in crete so they could not share their secrets of the labrynth. in the tower daedalus and icarus develop 2 sets of wings created using feathers and wax. they attach the wings and launch out of the window. before hand daedalus warns icarus not to fly too close to the sun. halfway across the sea icarus forgets and flys to high. the wax melts and icarus falls into the sea and drowns. daedalus lands safely in sicily and manages to find safety in a castle. meanwhile, searched for Daedalus by travelling from city to city asking a riddle. He presented a spiral seashell and asked for a string to be run through it. When he reached Kamikos, King Cocalus, knowing Daedalus would be able to solve the riddle, privately fetched the old man to him. He tied the string to an ant which, lured by a drop of honey at one end, walked through the seashell stringing it all the way through. Minos then knew Daedalus was in the court of King Cocalus and demanded he be handed over. Cocalus managed to convince Minos to take a bath first, where Cocalus' daughters killed Minos. In some versions, Daedalus himself poured boiling water on Minos and killed him. The story im familiar with mentions how the princess manage to entangle him with some sort of magical rope that daedalus created before they kill him. in short King Minos does nothing to keep them from escaping Crete.

Related questions

What king tried to keep Daedalus prisoner?

King Minos of Crete tried to imprison Daedalus in the labyrinth he had created to hold the Minotaur.

Who is the villain in the story Theseus and the Minotaur?

I'd probably say King Minos if anyone, since it was his idea to keep the beast alive and feed it sacrifices.

Who was Knossos labyrinth builder?

King Minos was the King of Mycenea, the civilization that pre-dates the ancient Greeks. He built labyrinths in his palace in order to keep the mythical beast Minotaur away from his wife.

Who built the labyrinth and why was it built?

Daedalus built the labyrinth for King Minos who wanted a place to keep the Minotaur who was the son of I think his wife and a cow. It was half human half bull and every 7ish years King Minos would send in 7ish sacrifices. It lived there until Theseus killed it.

What is called half man and half bull?

In Greek mythology the creature that was part man, part bull, was known as the Minotaur. THE MINOTAUROS (or Minotaur) was a bull-headed manlike creature born to Queen Pasiphae of Crete after she had sex with a bull. It lived in the twisting maze of the labyrinth, here he was regularly given young men and girls to satisfy his cannibalistic hunger. The hero Theseus ended up defeating it. The Minotauros' proper name is Asterion, "the starry one."The Minotaur however was not a god he was a monster of mythology. A Minotaur is a creature from Greek mythology that is half human and half bull. It was said to have lived at the center of a great labyrinth (an elaborate maze) built for King Minos. In Greek mythology the minotaur was eventually killed by Theseus. "Minotaur" is Greek for "Bull of Minos". Firstly, King Minos built the maze below his palace. Secondly, the Minotaur came into existence when King Minos asked Poseidon for a bull for sacrifice. When the bull came out of the sea, Minos took it and thanked Poseidon a lot. But when Minos broke a vow that he'd made previously, the god made Minos's wife fall in love with the bull. She had an affair with it and out came the Minotaur. Minos was terrified and locked the beast away in the maze. Every nine years he would sacrifice children to the monster to keep it at bay. Source: Mythical Creature and Beasts Wiki For more information, see Related links below this box.

Which king tried to keep Daedalus prisoner?

king minos

Who is the minotar?

In Greek Mythology, the Minotaur was a creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. After he ascended the throne of Crete, Minos struggled with his brothers for the right to rule. Minos prayed to Poseidon, God of Sea, to send him a snow-white bull, as a sign of approval. He was to sacrifice the bull in honor of Poseidon but decided to keep it instead because of its beauty. To punish Minos, Poseidon caused Pasiphae, Minos' wife, to fall madly in love with the bull from the sea. She had Daedalus, the famous architect, make a wooden cow for her. Pasiphaë climbed into the decoy in order tocopulate with the white bull. The offspring of their coupling was a monster called the Minotaur. The minotaur dwelt at the center of the Labryinth, which was an elaborate maze-like construction built for King Minos of Crete designed by the architect Daedalus and his son Icarus who were ordered to build it to hold the Minotaur. Every seven years, the King of Athens, Aegeus, was forced to send seven male youths and seven maidens as a tribute to Minos. These were put into the laryinth, to be fed to the Minotaur. :P (^@^)~

What city was the minotaur from?

the minotaur came from Greece. Have one princess keep the Minotaur in a cave.

Is maze a part of Greek mythology?

Why yes, there was a 'maze' in Greek mythology legends. It was called the 'Labyrinth'.The Labyrinth was made by Daedalus, an expert designer, with his talented son Icarus.Daedalus was ordered to create the labyrinth by King Minos of Crete. Minos needed somewhere to keep the monster called the Minotaur.Often, King Minor would send law breakers into the labyrinth as a punishment, knowing the minotaur would completely destroy them!Eventually, Thesues managed to kill minotaur, with the useful navigation technique of using a piece of string.

Where is the labryth on mythology?

The labyrinth is a legendary maze-like structure created by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete to house the Minotaur. It is best known for being the setting of the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, where Theseus navigates the labyrinth to defeat the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne's thread.

Who is Minotour?

The Minotaur wasn't so much a "who" as a "what". Minotaur comes from the Greek minotauros, which means "Minos' Bull". But it's important to remember, that the Minotaur was actually the child of Minos' queen, Pasiphaë. In Crete, the Minotaur was always referred to by his proper name, Asterion.The story goes that in an effort to win the throne of Crete from his competing brothers, Minos prayed to Poseidon (their chief deity) to ask for a sign of his favor. The snow white bull that appeared was used by Minos to show that he had the favor of the gods, and once he achieved the throne, he was told to sacrifice the Bull to Poseidon. However, Minos, in his arrogance, decided to keep the Bull as a prize, and instead sacrificed one of the other bulls from his herd.To punish Minos for his arrogance, Aphrodite made Pasiphaë fall in love with the bull (commonly referred to as the Cretan Bull), to the point that she had Daedalus make a contraption that would make her appear to be a cow so that she could... have relations... with the Bull. The resulting child from that union was the Minotaur. It was fed human flash because as the unnatural union of man and beast, it had no natural source of nourishment.

How was the famous Minotaur born?

Before he became king of Crete, Minos struggled with his brothers for power. He prayed to Poseidon to send a snow white bull as a sign of the god's approval. Poseidon did this, but demanded that the bull be sacrificed after Minos became king. Minos, however, was a greedy man, and the bull so beautiful and perfect that he kept it for himself. As punishment, Aphrodite made Minos' wife, Pasiphae, fall madly in love with the bull, to the point that she had Daedelus make a hollow cow form for her so that she could be inside and copulate with the bull. The horrific result of his union was the minotaur, which she named Asterion. The minotaur was nursed by pasiphae until he grew too monstrous, at which point he began to feast on human flesh, since nothing else would sate his monstrous appetite.