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Q: How did Muhammad get assassinated by the Quraysh?
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What was Prophet Muhammad's clans name?

Quraysh, the clan which he belong to .

What was Muhammad's tribe in Mecca?

Quraysh was the Meccan tribe Muhammad belonged to. Hashemi was the clan or subsect.

What Arabic tribe had controlled Mecca during the life of Muhammad?

Quraysh tribe

What clan was Muhammad born into?

Muhammad was born in 570 C.E. to the the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe.

What was the Quraysh's reaction to Prophet Muhammad's invitiative?

The prophet (SAW) was hoping that the pagans of Quraysh and in Arabia would accept the message of Islam peaceful also wanted to counter the Quraysh war mongering attitude with a spirit of peace.

Did quraysh supported Prophet Muhammad?

THOSE QURAISH who accepted islam supported hima nd those who did not teased him and insulted him.

Why did the quraysh want to kill Muhammad?

They wanted to Kill Muhammad(S.A.V) Because they wanted to stick with their Ancestors religion's , like worshipping the Idol.They tried to assassinate him, but no one was going to get the blame.

What was the name of Prophet Muhammad's maternal Grandfather?

His name was Wahb ibn Abdulmanaf ibn Zuhra, and he was chief of the Zuhra clan of the Quraysh in Mecca.

Are all Muslims from Quraysh family?

not all of the Muslims are in the quraysh family.

Why did Muhammad travel to Medina?

Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina because he feared that he would be assassinated by the Meccans for his threats to destroy their idols.

Who confined the recitation if the style - of the - Quraysh tribe?

Usman (R.A) confined the recitation of the style - of the - Quraysh tribe...

When did the people of meca accept Muhammad teachings?

After Treaty of Hudaybiyyay whereby the Quraysh promised to cease fighting Muslims and promised that Muslims would be allowed into the city to perform the pilgrimage the following year. It was meant to be a ceasefire for 10 years. However, just two years later, the Quraysh violated the truce by slaughtering a group of Muslims and their allies.the prophet and his companions marched into Mecca. However, instead of continuing their fight, the city of Mecca surrendered to Muhammad, who declared peace and amnesty for its inhabitants. The pagan imagery was destroyed by Muhammad's followers and the location islamized and rededicated to the worship of Allah.