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The country was in turmoil. They overthrew their King and organized a government run by a Council. Napoleon was recognized for his leadership in the Army that fought in Egypt so he was elected to be the First Council (or Premier Counsul). Later he promoted himself as Emperor.

Napoleon was pro-revolution and had supported the Jacobins. He was also literally raised in the army and was recognized for his brilliance in his early Italian campaigns. He ruled in Italy and was later requester by Abbe Sieyes, a member of the Directory in France, to come back to France and put down a rebellion. There he secured a coup'detat.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Between the years of 1789 and 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power was enabled by several factors. First and foremost would be his own skill, character, and ambition, both as military commander and as political leader. Second was the ongoing conflict, even chaos, in France, which led French leaders and people alike to seek out someone with the capacity to bring order to their turbulent society.

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9y ago

By 1799 France was unstable politically, religiously and socially. Maximillian Robespierre had seized control of the government and had led France with a strong and unrelenting fist. His regime fell in 1794 and was replaced by the Directory, a very unstable form of government ruled by five directors. By 1799, the previous revolution and government changed helped cause famine, economic depression, civil war and a very unpopular government. All these factors made it easy for Napoleon to stage his coup d'état in 1799.

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10y ago

Expelling the Royal Navy from Toulon got him noticed and the whiff of grapeshot defending the Directory that killed 1,400 Royalist counter revolutionaries assured his promotion, wealth and fame.

It could be said that he was in the right place at the right time to be noticed.

It could also be said that he made the correct move at that moment in history to make his mark.

For example at the battle of Toulon he saw that Mount Caire was the only spot where artillery could control both the city and the harbor. By the time he had at last achieved permission for his plan he had gathered up most of the French Artillery under his command, seized the high ground and had his weapons in place by noon of the following day. He opened fire on the British Fleet under Admiral Lord Hood who ordered the fleet to escape to sea. By 0900 the next morning the City was surrendered. Some contend that Napoleon then killed all of the surviving royalists with grapeshot. Napoleon was then only a major and he was absolutely and certainly noticed and was elevated to Brigadier General.

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11y ago

He took over the unsettled French government during the French Revolution. The opportunity was there and Napoleon seized it.

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Napoleon come to power?

Yes he did.

When did Napoleon Bonaparte come into power?

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What date did napoleon come to power?

shut up i don't know maby ask your mun i did

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By participation in a coup against the legitimate government called the Directory.

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