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Understand that during this time, the French had gone through the most violent stage of the Revolution before Napoleon came to power. There was mass paranoia and people were being beheaded left and right. You can image the people's relief when Napoleon came to power. This was not the only reason. The French people had recognized his strong leadership and military success. He also dressed simply and therefore the people could relate to him. He was also acquiring lands for France and increasing its empire. His reforms were extremely successful and during his rule there was hardly any unemployment. Prior to this, the French were dealing with a King who was not experienced and was creating more deficit. Napoleon had brought fame and glory to the French. He was as popular and loved as Charlemagne, maybe even more than him. He was able to bring France unity. Under his rule, France emerged as one of the leading European nations. One of the only reasons he did loose power in the end was because he had several surrounding nations that were opposed to him and thus he was exiled.

Looking ahead, the only reason his nephew, Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) was able to gain power was because of his name which showed that, to the French people, Napoleon still remained a beloved figure.

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He maintained an excellent Secret Police force.

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