

How did Ned put the tips in his notebook?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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how did ned put his tips in his notebook.

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Q: How did Ned put the tips in his notebook?
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After his arrest, Ned Kelly was interred in Melbourne Gaol.

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You could put in vet appointments, dentist and things like that.

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The main characters in "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" are Ned Bigby, Jennifer "Moze" Mosely, and Simon "Cookie" Nelson-Cook. Ned is the protagonist who provides tips for navigating middle school, Moze is his best friend and voice of reason, and Cookie is the tech-savvy friend who helps them solve problems.

How do you make a notebook?

You make a notebook by getting the size of paper you want and cover pages for it. Then make holes with a hole-puncher to put the spiral thing through.

What is the relationship between a notebook for writing and a notebook computer?

The only real relationship between the two comes in the word notebook. A paper notebook is a recepticle for writing and storing information. The notebook holds only that information that is written by the person keeping the notebook. A notebook computer is similar in the fact that it is also a recepticle for inputing and storing information. Also, like the paper notebook, a notebook computer will save and store only the information given by the keeper of the "book", with a few glaring exceptions. Spam and viruses are possible in a notebook computer. On the same hand, it is possible for someone other than the writer of the paper notebook to get the notebook and put information and other unwanted information onto the written page.

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no they cant. get them out of there house although ned did it to homer in the simpsons

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Type your answer here... put medaphores details a begining middle and ending onamonapias and dont forget title put a life experience put tips and action words

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The secret message (from the kitchen table).