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Q: How did Neil's Bohr change atomic model based on experimental results?
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Where did Neils Bohr propose his postulations on atomic theory?

In the year 1913, Neils Bohr Joined the Manchester University, Manchester, United Kingdom. Where he proposed his postulates on atomic theory.

Whose atomic model first determined that electrons were in energy levels?

Neils Bohr

Which scientist is best know for his atomic theory?

Probably Neils Bohr

What does symbol n refers in the Bohr theory of atomic structure?

There is no N in Bohrs. But his first name was Neils

What is the atomic theory of neils bohr?

An atomic theory that patches up the holes in Ernest Rutherford's own. Bohr's theory states that electrons give off energy in bunches, not continously, so as long as the electrons remain in a stable orbit they will have the same amount of energy.

Who is neils bahr?

If you're referring to Neils Bohr, he was a Danish physicist who is famous for his work in quantum physics and for his theories concerning atomic structure. Though, there was a Neil Bahr who passed away in 2002 in the state of Minnesota in the United States, but that's not exactly what you said either.

Whose model was called planetary model of the atom?

its was Ernest Rutherford who proposed the planetary atomic model

When was Neils Hogenson House created?

Neils Hogenson House was created in 1917.

When was Steve Neils born?

Steve Neils was born on 1951-05-02.

What was Niels Bohhr known four?

Neils Bohhr was best known for his contributions to understanding atomic structure. He also played a large part in the discovery of the quantum theory.

When was Neils Red Covered Bridge created?

Neils Red Covered Bridge was created in 1900.