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It was no picknic. The "round trip" to the moon and back, including the landing and EVA, took about a week. The astronauts had to breathe. Air was "scrubbed" to remove carbon dioxide so the crew could breathe "clean" air. They had to drink water, and fresh water was sent with them in sufficient quantity to insure they stayed hydrated. Stuff to stir in was included, like powdered energy mix. Food in different forms was sent, too, but much of it was in a finely diveded (or even a "paste-like") form. There were "facilities" to allow them to pee and to do that other thing, and the waste was bagged and stored in tighly closed containers. They spent the week working in an environment with extremely limited volume; there wasn't really any room to move around. About the closest thing to this on earth might be living in a closet for a week. And that's 24-7, too. All the stuff you need to stay alive is in that closet; you can't get "supplies" sent in. And you don't leave for "rest room breaks" or for any other reason. Something like that. It was in the morning of July 16, 1969, that Commander Neil Alden Armstrong (Commander), Michael Collins (Command Module Pilot), and Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin, Jr. (Lunar Module Pilot) blasted off. They went to the moon and "parked" in orbit. Then Armstrong and Aldrin dropped down and landed on July 20th. The did their walk a few hours later on July 21th, and then slept for a while before leaving the moon's surface. Then they docked with the Command Module, dumped the ascent stage, and left orbit to return to earth. They arrived back here and splashed down on July 24th. They were fished out of the Pacific - and immediately put into quarantine, where they remained until August 13th. Links are provided.

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Q: How did Neil Armstrong and the crew live inside the Apollo spacecraft?
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