

How did Odysseus kill the lotus?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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the lotus was a plant that beared fruit which some of Odysseus's men ate

Odysseus had to physically drag them back to the ship

so acctually, he didnt kill the lotus, just helped his men get better after eating it.

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The lotus-eaters offer Odysseus's crew?

lotus flowers to eat

Do the lotus eaters eat Odysseus?

No. The Lotus eaters only ate lotus plants and were peaceful.

How many men did Odysseus lose on the island of the lotus eaters?

Odysseus lost no men on the island of the lotus eaters. He was able to retrieve the 3 men that had succumbed to the lotus' temptation.

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The lotus is dangerous to Odysseus because it makes those who eat it want nothing else. Lotus Eaters are people who feed Odysseus's men plants that make them forgetful.

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Odysseus sent two men and the man under them to the land of the Lotus Eaters to see what type of people the Lotus Eaters were, if they were friendly and the like.

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They are the Lotus Eaters. It is not believed that they bear any malicious intent towards Odysseus' men; they are just unaware of the consequences.

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The Island of the Lotus Eaters. At least, I think so.

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Odysseus and his men had been in the land of the Cicons and their city of Ismarus before coming to the island of the lotus eaters. Before that, they fought at Troy.

Why does Odysseus tie his three men in the lotus eaters?

After the Island of the Cicones, Odysseus landed on the Island of the Lotus Eaters. The Lotus is a plant that forces the eater to lose all grip on reality. Once it is eaten, the person knows nothing nor cares for anything other than eating the lotus plant. Odysseus sent in two men to scout out the area. When they did not come back, Odysseus sent in to find them. He found the two men hopelessly addicted to eating the lotus plant. Odysseus tied the two men up and forced them into the ship against their will and sails away.

How does Odysseus trick the lotus eaters?

It made his men forget about wanting to return home to Ithaca. They are content to merely eat lotus for the rest of their lives. If a man eats the flower, they never want to leave the island of the lotus eaters.

Which plant made Odysseus's men humulicate?

The Lotus Plant

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