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They brought a big wooden horse into the city.

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Q: How did Odysseus sneak his army into troy?
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What is the mission of Odysseus in going into Troy?

Odysseus is a soldier who must fight in the Greek army at Troy.

What was Odysseus connection with the fall of troy?

Odysseus was a leader of the Greek army that conquered Troy. It was his idea to create the gift known as the Trojan Horse as a means of getting a force of armed men inside the city gates.

Who is troy from the book Odysseus?

In the book "The Odyssey" Troy is the city that Odysseus was attacking.

Why Odysseus did not have any Ithacan army or generals to help him fight the suitors?

Because they all died when they tried to return home from Troy.

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What is odysseus' age when he leaves for troy?

When Odysseus left for Troy he was newly wed to Penelope and was in his mid 20's.

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How is the swineherd connected to Odysseus?

Eumaeus, the swineherd, is Odysseus' trusted servant. While Odysseus is in Troy fighting in the Trojan War and on his many travels in his return home, Eumaeus acts as a father sort of figure to Odysseus' son Telemachus. When Odysseus returns, apart from Athene the goddess, Eumaus is the first person that Odysseus sees, while in his hut, disguised as a old man. He also helps sneak Odysseus into the palace and past the suitors.

Why is Odysseus in Troy?

Odysseus was in Troy because the Greeks were having a war with the Trojans. Paris, a Prince of Troy, has "stolen" King Meneleus's (of Sparta) wife, Helen.

How did Odysseus' mother?

She died after Odysseus left for Troy from greef of her son.

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