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1.Some unusual types of parasites

a. Brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species

b. Kleptoparasites take prey captured by other species

c. These behaviors are competition-like, suggesting that competition and parasitism aren't all that different…

d. and maybe lead to interactions that are more typical parasitism

2. Example: Vampire moth

a. Evolved from typical nectar-feeding moth

b. Increasing benefits.

c. Increasing costs.

3. Flexible parasites

a. Example: Salt marsh mosquito

(1) percent of females that are autogenous (can produce eggs without a blood meal) increases from north to south in mainland Florida

(2) percent of females that are autogenous decreases again on Big Pine Key

(3) Pattern explained by abundance of preferred mammalian hosts (Key Deer represents sudden presence of relatively large mammalian host)

4. Flexible environments

a. Example: Monogenean trematode

(1) normally feeds on mucus and gill debris, and has no apparent effect on the fish

(2) when fish are overcrowded and/or water quality declines, the trematode increases in numbers and begins feeding on tissue

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Q: How did Parasitism Evolution take place?
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