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his midnight ride was what he was most famous for. but he also created one of the most popular pieces of silver to come from the American colonial era, a bowl requested by the fifteen sons of liberty.

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Q: How did Paul Revere's ride impact history?
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A metaphor in Paul Reveres ride?

mlm /l ;,

What was revere trying to do on his ride?

Paul Reveres ride was to warn Concord that the red coats are coming.

What was the summary of Paul Revere's Ride?

Paul Reveres rode in the midnight warning everybody that the Brotosh are coming

Who were the red coats in paul reveres ride?

The red coats were British soldiers.

Is there any onomatopoeia in paul revere's ride the poem?

yes there is definitely onomatopoeia used in Paul reveres ride. one example of this is when it says he heard the crowing of the cock

Who wrote Paul Reveres Ride?

The poem was written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in 1860

What was the purpose of paul Reveres ride?

Advanced technological developments for the purposes of mass production is the purpose of the Pual Revers Ride.

What day did Paul Revere go on a famous ride?

April 18, 1775 this is the answer i know this for a fact.

Who finished Paul Reveres ride?

There was Paul Revere, William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott. William and Paul were captured but Dr. Samuel Prescott made it out and signaled the Americans about the Redcoats.

What was the impact of paul reveres midnight right?

The story of his ride comes from an 1861 Longfellow poem called The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. The only problem with this is that Revere never finished his ride. He was stopped by a British patrol outside of Boston and arrested. His horse was also taken from him. A man by the name of Dr. Prescott finished the ride. The impact of Revere is minor. Many people believe the story of his ride is history, but in actuality it is more legend. There were people who really did ride to warn the colonist. One was a 17 year old girl named Sibel Lundington and another was a young man named Israel Bissel who rode 300 miles and killed one horse, but you don't hear about them.