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First by conquest, then by maintaining peace internally and providing protection externaliy.

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Q: How did Persian troops help establish and maintain the Persian empire?
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Who did Israel fight against in the Persian war?

Israel was part of the Persian Empire but was not required to field troops with the Persian forces as they did not meet the standards of the army or navy.

Who were the Immortals and what was their significance to the Persian empire?

The 'Immortals' played an important role in Cyrus the Great's conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 547 BC. Immortals participated in the Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC & were amongst the Persian occupation troops in Greece in 479 BC

What was the Immortals' significance to the Persian empire?

The 'Immortals' played an important role in Cyrus the Great's conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 547 BC. Immortals participated in the Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC & were amongst the Persian occupation troops in Greece in 479 BC.

What was important about that Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C.?

The Battle of Marathon was a turning point during the first Persian invasion of Greece. The Persians vastly outnumbered the Greeks on the battlefield, but the Greeks were able to defeat them. The Greeks charged the Persian troops with a thin weaker line, while the Greeks' left and right flanks consisted of stronger troops who quickly surrounded the Persian troops and attacked them on both sides. It was a crushing defeat for the Persians, and the battle convinced the Greeks that while the Persian Empire had vast armies and archers, it was possible to defeat them.

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What culture did Alexander the great adopt?

soilders soilders In the beginning he led troops from the Greek city-states. After each conquest, he added contingents of the defeated troops to his army. Upon defeating the Persian Empire, he added numerous groups to his Greek core corps.

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Who sent troops to the Persian Gulf?

Almost all of the western allied nations did.

Where were US troops in 1999?

Korea, Europe, patrolling the Persian Gulf, etc.

Which president sent troops to the Persian gulf in 1991?

That was George Bush senior.

What did the French establish before tehy withdrew their troops?

that they were a bunch of cowards

Who had the biggest empire and why?

The British Empire was the biggest empire the world has ever seen by miles. It stretched right across the globe and it has been correctly said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire" because a part of the empire was always in daylight. They ruled a quarter of the world's lands, spanning many different countries. It was the fact that "Britannia ruled the waves" that allowed them to control and maintain their extensive colonial Empire. Their advanced European army allowed them to conquer the indigenous people of the areas they colonised, but it was their navy that ensured no other European power could range as far and free across the world to establish their own armies while moving people, troops and wealth from colonies to England.