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No she was in fact born in Frankfurt, Germany in June 12,1929 and was named Annelies Marie Frank.

Annelies Marie Frank was Jewish but was not dutch she was in fact born in the town of Frankfurt.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Peter Van Daan initially felt annoyed by Anne Frank's chatty and lively demeanor when they first met. However, over time, he grew to appreciate her intelligence, humor, and companionship, developing romantic feelings for her.

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14y ago

The Dutch have lived in peace with Jewish people since about 1600. A lot of Jewish people lived (and still live) in the Netherlands and this has never been any kind of issue. Anne Frank was Dutch herself. ___ Anne Frank liked the Netherlands announced her intention of applying for Dutch citizenship as soon as she could do so. She never had the opportunity to do so, however.

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14y ago

Anne frank tried to be happy, she tried to see the positive things about her life, but she wrote in her diary "I hear the approaching thunder, I feel the suffering of millions"
In her diary she always told about the good things that happen to her everyday, and described the people around her(not all of them in the positive way) .
you can buy the diary-book... in every book store....

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12y ago

Anne logically despised Nazis, but in her mind, there was an uncontrollable overflow from Nazi to Germans in general. Otto was somewhat of a buffer for Anne in this, for while no one hated Naziism more than Otto, Otto also believed in the Germany that produced Goethe, Schiller and Beethoven, and would continue on after the war.

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10y ago

Well, at first he didn't like her, then they slowly became friends. After a while they fell in love with each other, and began to develop an intimate relationship.

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Q: How did Peter Van Daan feel about Anne Frank?
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How did Anne Frank's mother feel about Peter van Daan?

Anne Frank's mother, Edith Frank, had mixed feelings about Peter van Daan. She appreciated his quiet and reserved nature, but she also thought he lacked motivation and was lazy at times. Edith tried to encourage a friendship between Peter and Anne but was often concerned about their relationship turning into something more serious.

How does Peter feel about Anne Frank?

It depends which Peter you are referring to. Before she went into hiding, she dated another boy called Peter Schiff who she called her "one true love". In hiding, Peter van Pels (referred to as Peter van Daan in her diary) was one of the other hiders in the Annex. At first, Anne thought he was a lazy and annoying boy, but she soon starts to become infatuated with him. She goes to his room to talk, and their relationship becomes more romantic.

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Mr. Van Daan often behaves selfishly, prioritizing his own comforts over others'. He argues with his wife, steals food, and makes inappropriate comments about Anne. This behavior causes Peter to feel ashamed and embarrassed by his father's lack of consideration for others.

How did Anne feel about Peter Van Daan?

Anne had a crush on Peter Van Daan and developed romantic feelings for him while they were in hiding together. She found solace and comfort in their connection and looked forward to spending time with him.

Who wants mr. van daan to leave?

Anne Frank and her family want Mr. Van Daan to leave because they find his behavior annoying and disrespectful. They feel that his presence creates tension and conflict in the secret annex where they are hiding during World War II.

How did Anne Frank's feel when she was kissing with Peter?

She felt happy and liked their relationship but at the same time sad because they were going to concentration camps

Who does Anne Frank feel she can confide in?

Anne cared most deeply for her father, Otto, and a boy she went with throughout the summer of 1940 named Lutz Peter Schiff (Anne called him "Petel", a German endearment). She and Peter went their separate ways, but she said over and over in her diary that he was the only boy she had truly cared about. Later, though becoming very emotionally involved with Peter van Pels, Anne wrote in her diary that she herself realized that she saw Peter van Pels as a surrogate for Peter Schiff.

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How does the chiming clock make Anne frank feel?

What happened to Mouschi from the Diary of Anne Frank?

Mouschi, the cat in "The Diary of Anne Frank," disappears before the Frank family is arrested. It is unclear what happened to Mouschi, but it is presumed that the cat may have left the Secret Annex or met an unfortunate fate during the war.

What did Anne Frank like?

Anne Frank loved to write stories and in her diary. She also like to feel like a women. The Diary Of Anne Frank movie has a lot of details about her life.

How does MrFrank feel about Peter's character?

Mr. Frank thought Peter was a nice young man, but lazy, not terribly bright, and easily led. He also felt he would become emotionally attached to Anne (he was right about that).