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Q: How did Pluto end up living in the underworld?
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When did proserpina and Pluto get marry?

The myth of Ceres and Proserpina states that when they were in the field together, Pluto came up from the underworld and took her away. Most likely while Ceres was the nanny for the king and queen's baby, Pluto had forced Proserpina to marry her.

Who discovered Pluto and how?

Pluto was discovered in 1930. The person who discovered Pluto was a guy named Clyde W. Tombaugh. After he discovered Pluto they called Pluto Planet X. But later a girl named Venetia Katherine Douglas Phair, born in 1919. She came up with the name Pluto because the planets description sounded just like the god of darkness and the underworld.

How did the Athens come up with the name Pluto?

The Greek word for wealth is πλοῦτος (ploutos). Since Pluto (Hades) was the god of the underworld, he also possessed things buried in the earth, like gold, silver etc. So he was quite wealthy, possessing all that.

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Siphyus because he tricked Persephone into letting him go back to "The Land of The Living".

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What is Pluto composed?

Pluto is made up of ice

How many cats are there on the moon?

Pluto is a dwarf planet, not like a sun or galaxy. Pluto has no "planets" to call it's own. It is part of the Milky Way, and part of a belt surrounding the sun and the rest of the planets. The belt is made up of dwarf planets pulled away from their suns by gravity.

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spent her life underworld Actually Persophone spends 4 months in the underworld, due to her eating the pomegranate seeds and the rest with her mother Demeter.

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Is there nitrogen on Pluto?

Yes. Pluto is made up of nitrogen and methane

If a bearded goat dies will Pluto blow up?

No, if a bearded goat dies, Pluto will NOT blow up. Pluto will not blow up unless a massive chemical reaction goes on in Pluto's core, or if humans manage to find a way to stash billions of pounds of dynamite all over Pluto. Other than that, Pluto will not blow up under any other circumstances.