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Garfield joined the army because the Civil War was going on. Once he became an officer, he proved his worth and was advanced in the ranks.

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Q: How did President Garfield go from teaching to being a general?
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What day did James Garfield end being president?

Vice President Arthur refused to assume the Presidency while President Garfield was still alive, so Garfield was officially the President until his death on September 19, 1881.

What was James Garfield important accomplishmet?

being the best president

Which president died in 1881 less than a year of being president?

James Garfield

What us president died ten weeks after being shot?

James a. Garfield

What is James A. Garfield known for?

being the second president assinated and serving in the army

Which president was only president for 5 months before being shot?

the president that got shot after 5 months is James A. Garfield

Date of death of James A. Garfield?

James A. Garfield died September 19, 1881. Only 200 days after being elected president.

What war was being fought when James Garfield was president?

The US was at peace in 1881 when Garfield was President. The Boer War was going on in South Africa. The French sent troops into Algeria and Tunisia but there was not much fighting there at that time/

Why is James Garfield famous?

James Garfield served as US president from March - September 1881, when he was assassinated. Previous to being elected president, he had served as vice president and in the House of the US Congress. During the short time he was president, he changed some of the corrupt practices of governmental appointments.

Why is James Garfield so famous?

James Garfield served as US president from March - September 1881, when he was assassinated. Previous to being elected president, he had served as vice president and in the House of the US Congress. During the short time he was president, he changed some of the corrupt practices of governmental appointments.

What US President was assassinated after only four months in office?

James Garfield was the president that was assassinated only after four months in office. It happened on July 2, 1881.

What problems did President James A. Garfield have in his terms of office?

Garfield did not do anything that was noted as bad while President. Of course he was not president very long. Before he was president he was tied to the Credit Mobilier Scandal but no strong evidence of any wrong-doing by him appeared.