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Q: How did Puritans in Salem 1692 think people became witches?
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Did Salem witches kill people?

There were no real witches in salem.

How did witches of Salem cause affliction to the people?

If you need an explanation other than "because they were morons"... Salem was a Puritan settlement. The Puritans, like nearly all other Christians at the time, believed in demonic forces, of which witchcraft was merely one manifestation.

Why were so many people executed even if they weren't witches?

People back during the Salem Witch Trials became so paranoid that they thought anyone acting strangely were witches.

Why did they belevie in witches?

Puritans believed in witches because witches were mentioned in the Bible. They believed these creatures were in league with the Devil, and could masquerade as normal around people. People were very superstitious and gullible. They blamed witches for all the bad things that happened in life. As a result of these beliefs, the Salem Witch Trials occurred.

What is a catchy title for The Salem Witch Trials for National History Day I need something that is really catchy and will really stand out.?

Puritans and Witches: Conflict and Compromise at Salem

How did Puritans live in Salem?

they lived by hunting things and they fished a little and they ate people when they got really hungry and they also hunted witches because they were stupid and stuff. your welcome.

Why are people accused of being witches?

In the case of the Salem Witch Trials, people who were not strict Puritans and those who did not go to church as often as the Puritan community deemed appropriate were considered outcasts, and these were usually the first people to be accused of witchcraft.

How are the Salem witch trials related to religious discrimination today?

They aren't. The witch trials are not an example of religious discrimination. Puritans accused fellow Puritans of being witches. It was Puritans accusing Wiccans or Catholics or any different religious group.

What were witches torture in America?

Salem, Massachusetts.

Did Salem witches actually float?

No. None of the victims of Salem were witches, so none would float. And the floating test was not used in Salem.

What where the Salem witchcraft charges?

The Salem Witchcraft Trials are a series of tests and trials conducted by Puritan Colonists to discover and punish suspected witches. One example of a witch trial was forcing them into a body of water. The Puritans believed that if the women floated that they were witches, and they would have to be killed. Unfortunately, not very many people learned how to swim back then, so the women would usually drown.

What was the Salem witch trials in America about?

they where basically people accusing other people of being witches