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Q: How did Ralph Baer think of the Magnavox Odyssey?
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When was the magnavox odyssey invented?


Where was the magnavox odyssey invented?

It was made by Ralph H. Baer in 1966. Ralph Baer was born on March 18 1922 in Pirmasens Germany.

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Who invented the first console and what year?

If by "console" you mean "home video game console," then it was probably the Magnavox Odyssey (first prototype 1968, Ralph Baer).

Who invented the brown box?

Also known as the magnavox odyssey, the brown box was created by Ralph Baer. World's inventor of the home video game console

What was the first games console that was invented?

The first home video game system was the Magnavox Odyssey by Ralph Baer, who completed a prototype in 1968. It was first sold in graphics,

What other video game consoles did Ralph Baer invent?

he invented the brown box, the magnavox odyssey, pong ,the playstation series, the kinect all with lady gaga

What was the very first concole?

In 1972, the first commercial video game console that could be played in the home, the Odyssey was released by Magnavox and designed by Ralph Baer. The game machine was originally designed while Ralph Baer was still at Sanders Associates in 1966, Baer managed to gain his legal rights to the machine after Sanders Associates rejected it. The Odyssey came programmed with twelve games.

Who invented the video game console an which year?

In 1972, the first commercial video game console that could be played in the home, the Odyssey was released by Magnavox and designed by Ralph Baer The Magnavox Odyssey is the world's first video game console. It was first demonstrated in May 1972 and released that fall, predating the Atari Pong home consoles by several years. The Odyssey was designed by Ralph Baer, who had a working prototype finished by 1968. This prototype, known as the "Brown Box", is now at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

Who made videogames?

The first video game was made by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. in 1947. The first home console was made by Ralph Baer who Invented the Brown Box which was renamed and patented as the Magnavox Odyssey.

What year did the first video game come out?

In 1972, Magnavox's Odyssey was released to the public as the first home video game system. Ralph Baer and his team originally developed two interactive TV games which relied on a toy gun detecting light spots on a television in 1967. Magnavox licensed Baer's TV game.

What was Ralph h barer s legacy?

Ralph H. Baer's legacy was his pioneering work in the development of video game technology. He is often referred to as the "Father of Video Games" for his creation of the first home video game console, the Magnavox Odyssey, in the early 1970s. Baer's innovative ideas and contributions revolutionized the entertainment industry and laid the foundation for the video game industry as we know it today.