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im pretty sure that he was the one who discovered cells...

but is ur question like... what did he do after discovering the cell...?

cuz then idk

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Q: How did Robert hooke change 1665 with cells?
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Who looked at cork tissue and named the structure cells?

Robert Hooke .

When did Robert Hooke discover 'Cells'?

hooke discovered cells in England in 1665

When were plant cells discovered?

1665 by Robert Hooke

When did Robert Hooke name Cells?

Robert Hooke discovered cells in 1665 He was the first to discover cells by finding the dead cells of a cork

What year did Robert Hooke find his discovery?

He discovered cells in 1665.

What year were cells named?

Cells were named in the year 1665 by the scientist, Robert Hooke.

Cells were first identify as Robert hooke as?

The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, which can be found to be The cells in animal tissues were observed after plants.

In what year did Robert hooke dicover cells?

Robert Hooke discovered cells in 1665 He was the first to discover cells by finding the dead cells of a cork. Robert Hooke is a great person he is my best friend and I love him for what he has done ilys

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Robert Hooke 1665, his discovery marked the beginning of the cell theory (all living things are composed of cells).

Who was the first person to discover cells?

In 1665, the English physicist Robert Hooke discovered cells while looking at a sliver of cork through a microscope.

Cells were first identified as Robert Hooke observed .?

The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, which can be found to be The cells in animal tissues were observed after plants.