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gladiators tounraments, free games, races, and other public activity

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Q: How did Rome's government attempt to control and distract the masses?
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What measures did the government take to distract and control the masses of rome?

Government measures to distract and control the masses of Rome by providing free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contests.they provided free games, mock battles and gladiator contests

What measures did the government take to distract control the masses of rome?

Government measures to distract and control the masses of Rome by providing free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contests.they provided free games, mock battles and gladiator contests

What measure did the measure take to distract and control the masses of rome?

Government measures to distract and control the masses of Rome by providing free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contests.they provided free games, mock battles and gladiator contests

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As towns develop, the number of people in an area rises and so a government is formed to control the masses.

How do you explain the growing inequality in America?

greed, racism, and war-mongering perpetuated by corporations and the politicians they own in order to distract the masses while they are being robbed of their labor and money.

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the purpose of tobacco is money. the purpose of any other answer is to distract from this fact. pretty logical if your intelligence is higher than the masses.

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The phrase "opium of the masses" was coined by Karl Marx to describe religion as a tool used by the ruling class to keep the working class passive and content with their oppressed conditions. It suggests that religion can be used to distract and pacify people, preventing them from seeking social change.

How did hitler control the masses?

Used propaganda and Terror and Controlled education

How do you use masses in a sentence?

The masses of the population rose up and overthrew the hated king, putting in place a republican Government of the people.

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The church often plays a role in shaping beliefs and values related to family planning, contraception, and reproductive health. It can influence population dynamics by promoting or restricting access to reproductive health services and education. Additionally, some churches may advocate for policies that encourage or discourage population growth based on religious teachings.

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John Dalton tried to work out the relative masses of atoms; but his calculations were wrong, although the principle was correct. He was, however, the first to establish a table of atomic masses with hydrogen, the lightest atom, as the standard.

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They would have a say in who's in government