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Romeo refers to the Friar as his "ghostly sire" (2.2.188), so it appears that the Friar is Romeo's confessor. Also, when they speak, the Friar chides him about his yearning for Rosaline, so apparently the Friar is someone to whom the Friar has turned to for advice about love.

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He knows Romeo and Juliet because he is the priest of their church and he is the one who gets them married.

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Romeo sneeks into the Capulet's party at the Capulet home, to find that Juliet was there, but then he asks w

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"For this alliance may so happy prove

To turn your households' rancour to pure love."

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Yes. He was the one who marries them.

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Q: How did Romeo know friar Lawrence?
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Friar Lawrence sent the note to Romeo on the same day of Juliet's supposed death.

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Friar Laurence performs the marriage. Hope this helps! :)

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Friar John

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