


Romeo and Juliet

Includes questions specifically asking about this Shakespeare play. Questions about the movie version should be placed under "Movies." Questions about Shakespeare should be placed under his category under Authors and Poets.

7,838 Questions

With what does friar Lawrence compare the beneficial and poisonous parts of the plant?

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Friar Lawrence compares the beneficial and poisonous parts of the plant to human nature - how our actions can have both positive and negative consequences, just like the plant's medicinal and toxic properties.

What is herculaneum's volcano called?

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Mount Vesuvius wiped out Pompeii and Herculaneum in AD79. It has erupted fifty times since then. Over a million people are now living in its vicinity. Mount Vesuvius wiped out Pompeii and Herculaneum in AD79. It has erupted fifty times since then. Over a million people are now living in its vicinity.

What is the family name of for Technetium?

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The family name for Technetium is the transition metals.

What hangs off of the end of the cecum?

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The appendix hangs off the end of the cecum in the digestive system. It is a small pouch-like organ with no known essential function in humans. In some cases, it can become inflamed, causing a condition known as appendicitis which may require surgical removal.

Why do you prefer darkness over light?

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I do not have personal preferences as I am a computer program. However, some people may prefer darkness over light for reasons such as finding it comforting, calming, or conducive to relaxation.

Who started the Actinide family?

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From the earlier known chemical properties of Actinium (89) up to Uranium (92), indicating a relation to the transition metals, it was generally assumed that the transuraniums would have similar qualities. During his Manhattan Project research in 1944, Glenn T. Seaborg experienced unexpected difficulty isolating Americium (95) and Curium (96). He began wondering if these elements more properly belonged to a different series than the transition metals, which would explain why the expected chemical properties of the new elements were different. In 1945, he went against the advice of colleagues and proposed the most significant change to Mendeleev's periodic table to have been accepted universally by the scientific community: the actinide series.

Who is supervising the plans for Juliet and Paris's wedding?

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Lord Capulet supervised the plans for Juliet and Paris's wedding. The wedding was originally on a Thursday, but Lord Capulet moved the wedding to a Wednesday.

Is it than that of Juliet and her Romeo or than this of Juliet and her Romeo?

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The correct phrase is "than that of Juliet and her Romeo." This construction is more grammatically accurate and maintains parallelism between the comparison of two entities.

Why did count Paris visit Capulet?

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Count Paris visited the Capulet house in order to ask for Juliet's hand in marriage. He had been informed by Lord Capulet that Juliet was of marriageable age and possessed of sufficient assets and beauty to make her a desirable bride. He was determined to win her hand and sought an audience with her and her family.

Count Paris had several incentives for wanting to marry Juliet. These included:

  • The wealth and prestige associated with a Capulet
  • The beauty and grace of Juliet herself
  • The potential political alliances that could be forged through the marriage

Count Paris was ultimately successful in his quest and Juliet's father granted him permission to marry her. He was delighted and the two were soon betrothed.

Why did shakespeare write the chorus in romeo the way he didgiving the beginning and end?

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Shakespeare used a chorus in "Romeo and Juliet" to provide a concise summary of events and set the tone for the play. By framing the story with the chorus at the beginning and end, Shakespeare creates a sense of anticipation and gives the audience a glimpse into the tragic fate of the young lovers.

Are cults and sects bad for society?

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Cults and sects can be harmful to society if they promote extremist beliefs, isolate members from mainstream society, or engage in abusive practices. However, not all cults or sects are inherently harmful, as some may promote positive values and community support. It is important to assess each group individually based on their beliefs and actions.

What kind of social status is there?

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Social status refers to an individual's position or rank within a society. It can be determined by factors such as wealth, occupation, education, and family background. Social status can influence how individuals are perceived, the opportunities available to them, and their interactions with others.

Judging from the events in act 1 the political mood and behavior of the Romans are best described as?

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In act 1 of Julius Caesar, the Romans are shown to be politically divided and easily swayed by powerful individuals like Caesar. There is a sense of unrest and ambition among the characters, reflecting a political mood of uncertainty and shifting loyalties. The behavior of the Romans can be described as passionate, volatile, and prone to manipulation.

He jests at scars that never felt a wound what does that remark mean?

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This remark from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" suggests that someone who has not experienced pain or hurt may make light of others' suffering, lacking empathy for their wounds. It highlights the idea that it is easy to dismiss or belittle the struggles of others when one has not gone through similar experiences themselves.

What are the themes in Mercutio's Queen Mab speech?

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The themes in Mercutio's Queen Mab speech include the power of imagination and the nature of dreams, the deceptive and uncontrollable nature of desire, and the idea that fantasies can lead to destructive consequences. The speech also touches on the concept of fate and the role of the supernatural in human affairs.

What does Juliet say when Juliet's mother asks her to look at Paris at the party and think about marrying him?

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Juliet obeys her mother and agrees to look at Paris, but privately expresses doubts about the idea of marrying him. She politely entertains the idea, but her true feelings are revealed later in the play.

What was tybalts role in Romeo and Juliet?

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Tybalt, a cousin of Juliet, is depicted as hot-tempered and aggressive. He engages in a feud with Romeo and is ultimately responsible for escalating the conflict between the two families. Tybalt's death serves as a turning point in the play, leading to tragic consequences for both Romeo and Juliet.

What is a word that starts with x related to romeo and Juliet please HELP?

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i found this last weekend b/c this was for my project. i broke down and looked in a dic. and found:

xanthium- which means- a genus of plants

ichose this word b/c it explains friar Laurence perfectly and it also deals w/ the apothecary.

What problem concerning the list of invited guests does the servant have?

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The servant in Act 1 Scene 2 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has been given a list of people to invite to Capulet's "old accustomed feast". Unfortunately he cannot read, and so does not know who to deliver the invitations to. He asks Romeo to read it for him, and thus Romeo finds out that Rosaline is invited to the party. This makes him want to crash it.

What Current sorrows for romeo and Juliet will serve as what in the future?

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The current sorrows of Romeo and Juliet, such as their families' feud and separation, will serve as the foundation for future challenges they may face in their relationship. These obstacles will test their love and commitment to each other, shaping their character and determination to overcome barriers in the future.

What tragic news does Lord Montague share with the Prince?

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Lord Montague shares the tragic news with the Prince that Lady Montague, Romeo's mother, has died from grief over Romeo's exile.

WHAT evidence shows you that the Nurse is an important part of the Capulet family?

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The Nurse in Romeo and Juliet plays a crucial role in the Capulet family by serving as a maternal figure and confidante to Juliet. She assists in arranging secret meetings between Romeo and Juliet, providing crucial information that drives the plot forward. Additionally, the Nurse's loyalty and love for Juliet are evident throughout the play, highlighting her significance within the Capulet household.

Why does Romeo end up reading the invitation to the Capulet's party?

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Romeo ends up reading the invitation to the Capulet's party because he is asked to read the contents aloud for a servant who is unable to read. This chance encounter leads to Romeo deciding to attend the party, where he meets Juliet and the events of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" are set in motion.

Where has Romeo been during the fight and what is wrong with him?

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Romeo has been hiding in Mantua during the fight between the Capulets and Montagues. The problem is that he is suffering from unrequited love for Rosaline at the beginning of the play.

Who first found juliets body in her bedroom?

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Romeo finds Juliet's body in her bedroom after she has taken a potion that makes her appear dead.