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Because the U.S. Had larger groups. (troops)

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12y ago

He had no strategy; his troops were poorly trained, and he was not able to properly equip them them, while his vanity persuaded him that he was a military genius.

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Q: How did Santa Ana lose the Mexican war with the US?
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Mexican president who fought against the US forces in the war of 1846?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana

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The battle of San Jacinto was an important battle in the Mexican American War. The surprise attack by the Americans allowed them to take Santa Ana.

Does Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana have any memorials?

No. At least not in Mexico, as he is believed to be responsible of the loss of almost half of the Mexican territory during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

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The battle of San Jacinto was an important battle in the Mexican American War. The surprise attack by the Americans allowed them to take Santa Ana.

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