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Q: How did Stalin work with America to expand USSR?
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What did Stalin promise to eastern Europe?

Stalin promised protection and to work with the USSR.

How did the role of women expand under Stalin's ruler?

The women did the mens jobs, because the men had all gone to fight in WWl. They had to take over and do the mens work in the factories and on the farms.

What plan did Stalin introduce in 1928?

Stalin Introduces the First Five Year Plan, the main goal was to catch up with western nations economically. this was done by collectivizing farms so that more peasants could be sent to work in heavy industry. thus making the USSR a leading industrial and military power.

Was Hitler a totalitarian?

Totalitarianism refering to a totalitarian state is a one party state in which each person is supposed to work towards the good of state, much like the aim of Stalin's USSR, or the Nazi's Germany.

After losing in the power struggle to lead the USSR what happened to Leon Trotsky?

Leon Trotsky got killed with an ice pick in Mexico in 1940, it is still debatable today whether this was the work of Stalin, however the attacker was an undercover NKVD agentRamón Mercader.

How many Czarist bureaucrats were still working in the USSR 14 years after the Bolshevik Revolution?

There was a serious inability for Lenin and Stalin to find qualified people to work in the Soviet bureaucracy as late as 1932. In a secret but later published document, it was estimated that 50% of the Soviet bureaucracy were former officials from the Czarist regime.

What two countries did the most work in space?

The USA and USSR.

In the Cold War what was the united state concerned about?

The US was concerned that the USSR would work to spread communism.

Joseph Stalin was Russia's ruler during ww1?

False. Stalin came to power in 1928. Work War 1 ended in 1918.

What country uses totaltarism?

If you are not refering to present day, then Stalin's USSR or the Nazi's 'Third Reich' are good examples I belive, though I am not sure, my history is a tad bit rusty. Though present day I suppose the communist state of North Koreawould say they work on a totalitarian basis.

How does a dictatorship work?

An individual, supported by a political faction, has supreme power in a nation. Opposition to the dictator's rulings are not tolerated very far.Criticism of the dictator is suppressed or punished. A Dictatorship can be sustained for decades - it was in Ceasar's Rome, Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's USSR, Tito's Yugoslavia, Franco's Spain.

What key advantages did the us have over the soviet union?

The US had the atomic bombs while the USSR had not developed one yetThe US was RICH and had free people who could choose to do tasks for the US and do a good job out of pride. The people in the USSR did their work out of fear (not always a good motivator or way of getting quality work).The US had a large Navy, Marine Corp and Army and Air Force - The USSR did not have a large navy or marine corp.When the arms race started it varied who had more and who had the most destructive nuclear missiles.The US had not killed off their engineers, scientists, educators and builders or manufacturers as Stalin had done so they could outdo the USSR in new development.The US also did not have a mad man dictator or politburo that told their people how to live and breathe.