

How did Sumerians protect there city states?

Updated: 11/25/2019
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9y ago

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They Built a wall around thier city-state

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Q: How did Sumerians protect there city states?
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How did Sumerians protect their city -state?

by defending it

How did the sumerians protect their city-state?

by defending it

How did the Sumerians protect their city state?

by defending it

Why did the sumerians city-states lose power?

The sumerians city-states lost power because the Akkadians invade the city states and took control over everything

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Why what did sumerians face while building their city-states?

The Sumerians faced three major challenges1.The threat of hostile invaders2.Lack of water3.Tradethose are the three major challenges the Sumerians faced while building their City-states.

Hy did the sumerians go to war with other sumerians?

Yes.They faght over eachoters city-states.

Why were sumerians settlements called city states?

A city and its supporting surrounding agricultural land formed independent mini-states.

How were Sumerians city-states arranged?

They were in different parts of Mesopotamia

How should the Sumerians city-states be ruled?

because he was dead!

What steps did Sumerian city-states take to protect themselves from their rival?

The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D

What steps did Sumerian city-states take to protect themselves from their rivals?

The Sumerians built strong armies and built strong, thick walls around their city for protection. Have a good day or life :D