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The Declaration of Independence stated that "all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights . . . namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."

The Bill of Rights was an attempt to name and quantify those important rights, making it more clear and giving the citizens a better understanding of what that meant.

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Q: How did the Virginia Declaration of Rights influence the Declaration of Independence?
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What was the Declaration of Independence based on?

The Virginia Declaration of rights written by George Mason

How are the Virginia declaration of rights similar to the declaration of independence?

they are both important documents

Did the Declaration of Independence include the bill of rights?

yes it did Well also the declaration of independence has the three rights 1)Life 2)Liberty 3)Pursuit of happiness Bill of rights it is the first amendment of the Virginia Declaration of rights

What was the Declaration of Independence based?

Thomas Jefferson based much of the Declaration of Independence on the idea that all men have rights. These included â??Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Where did legislator's ideas for the Bill of Rights come?

legislators took ideas from he state ratifying conventions, the Virginia declaration of rights, english Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence to make sure that the abuses listed in the declaration of independence would be illegal under the new government. hope this helped! =]

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The Declaration of Independence was written before the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was written after the Constitution, so when it comes to the influence on the writing of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights cannot be the correct answer. Therefore, the correct answer is the Declaration of Independence.

How does the constitution of the US of America reflect previous document's including the charters of Virginia company of London The Virginia declaration of rights The declaration of Independence?

It doesn't.

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the rights and freedoms of the individual written into the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

What was passed four years after the constitutional convention ensuring individual rights?

Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights not the Declaration of Independence.

What 3 documents influenced the US declaration of independence?

Declaration of IndependenceThe United States Declaration of Independence was influenced by the 1581 Dutch Republic declaration of independence, called the Oath of Abjuration. The Kingdom of Scotland's 1320 Declaration of Arbroath was undoubtedly also an influence as the first known formal declaration of independence. Jefferson is also thought to have drawn on the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which had been adopted in July 1776.

How did the Enlightenment influence Americans?

The enlightenment era affected the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the constitution

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