

How did Titanic got destroyed?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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It sank after the hull was penetrated due to an iceberg strike.

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Q: How did Titanic got destroyed?
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Why did the sinking of the Titanic happen?

I think its something about ice that destroyed it.

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there were blueprints for Titanic but they were destroyed in world war two when the Harland and Wolff shipyards in Belfast were bombed.

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All three classes, and members of the crew,, got into lifeboats on the Titanic.

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Titanic p!she's mo

What is the theory that if titanic carried on that it wouldn't of hit the iceberg?

There is no such theory. If Titanic had not steered, she would have been destroyed by a head-on collision with the iceberg.

When did the Titanic got sink?

the titanic sank 15th of April 1912 2.20am

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The Titanic's the first thing that springs to mind :-)

What class of passenger was Dorothy Gibson on the titanic?

Yes, Dorothy Gibson was on the Titanic and survived. She made the first film on the Titanic sinking, Saved From the Titanic. However, prints of the film were destroyed in a fire in 1914.

Titanic how'd it sink?

the titanic sank because while on the journey to America the boat that was called UNSINKABLE sank. there were many warnings for iceburgs. while the alrams went off around the ship, people started to load in lifeboats. suddenly the titanic hit an iceburg. the bottom was watertight meaning no water can get through. the bottom of the titanic hit the iceburg and broke the watertight seal. water got through and keot rising to the top of the boat. everyone was immediatly called to evacuate. in seconds, the titanic started to sink from the bottom end of the boat. when it got to high, the titanc split into two. the titanic was destroyed.