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Q: How did World War 2 affect German immigration to the US?
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How did World War 2 affect German economy?

it was just dumb

How did Germany lose Russia as an ally during World War I how did this affect the German war plans?

Russia was not an ally of Germany in World War 1.

How did nationalism in Austria affect German expansion before World War 2?

Answer this question… It resulted in little Austrian opposition to the German annexation of Austria.

How did the Russian Revolution affect the course of World War 1 and what did it mean for German strategy?

Just because it does :p

How did American entry into World War 1 affect German strategy?

They were confident they could outlast the AlliEd forces

What immigration happened after world war 2?

you mama

What was d day and how did it affect the war?

D Day was the day the Allies began their invasion of German-held France during World War II.

What is German for World War I?

"der Erster Weltkrieg" is the correct German term for "World War one"

When did Australia experience two major immigration booms?

The first major immigration boom in Australia occurred with the early goldrushes in the 1850s. The second major immigration boom occurred immediately after World War II.

In what ways did World War 1 affect China and Japan?

Following the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Japan joined the side of the Allies and seized the German leasehold around Jiaozhou Bay together with German-owned railways in Shandong. China was not permitted to interfere.

How did World War 1 peace conferences affect Belgium?

Belgium received some German territory, Eupen-Malmedy, Rwanda and Burundi from German East Africa and also reparations.

Did world war 1 cause Rising tide of immigration?
