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It because Zeus is immortal

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Q: How did Zeus live if his head was chopped open?
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Who was Athenas parent?

Zeus and Medis.In myth Zeus swallowed Medis whole in fear of a new king being born.Zeus started getting head aches and his son chopped his head open....out rose Athena

Was Metis immortal or did she die when Zeus swallowed her?

Metis was a titan so she was immortal. When Zeus swallowed her she stayed alive in his head, and gave birth to her daughter Athena inside his head. His head was then chopped open and Athena popped out. Some myths say that she stayed inside Zeus' head, and since she was the titan goddess of wisdom she supplied most of Zeus' intelligence.

What came out of Zeus' head when hepaestus slpit his head open?

Athena, fully armed in battle armor given to her from her mother.

What goddess sprouted straight out of Zeus' head?

The goddess that didn't sprang out of Zeus' head was Athena. Earlier, Zeus had swallowed his wife Metis because he was told that if Metis had a son, that the son would overthrow his father. Later, Zeus got a pounding headache. He told Hephaestus (his son by Hera) to cut open Zeus' head. Then, Athena jumped out, in full armor and ready for a battle.

Which Greek Goddess was born from Zeus head?

Athena was born full-grown from Zeus' head. There had been a prophecy that the children of Zeus and Metis would be more powerful than Zeus, so Zeus tricked Metis into becoming a fly and he swallowed her. However, Metis was already pregnant and she gave birth to Athena inside of Zeus. Metis made a robe and helmet for her daughter; all the hammering inside gave Zeus a headache, so he asked Hephaestus to cleave his head open. At this point, Athena sprang from Zeus' head in full armor and armed with the weapons Metis had given her.Athena

Who cracked Zeus' head open?

Athena, she burst forth from his forehead fully armed with weapons given by her mother

In greek mythology how was Athena born?

When Zeus swallowed Athena's mother Metis, Zeus started to have blinding head pains so he got Hephaestus to crack his head open with an axe and out sprung Athena in full battle armor

What was Zeus' side affects after he swallowed metis?

Zeus got a splitting headache and ordered the smith god Hephaestus to split his head open. This is how Athena was born. She sprang up in full body armor from Zeus's' skull.

Which Greek goddesses was born full-grown from Zeus' head?

Athena was born full-grown from Zeus' head. There had been a prophecy that the children of Zeus and Metis would be more powerful than Zeus, so Zeus tricked Metis into becoming a fly and he swallowed her. However, Metis was already pregnant and she gave birth to Athena inside of Zeus. Metis made a robe and helmet for her daughter; all the hammering inside gave Zeus a headache, so he asked Hephaestus to cleave his head open. At this point, Athena sprang from Zeus' head in full armor and armed with the weapons Metis had given her.Athena

Which daughter of Zeus shot out his head?

Athena Zeus and Metis got pregnant with Athena. When Zeus heard a prophecy that said any offspring of Metis and Zeus would be better then him he ate Metis. Metis gave birth to Athena in Zeus. Zeus complained of headaches, because Metis was doing spells in him, so he had a Hephaestus cut his head open. And out poped Athena from his forehead with weapons her mother gave her. Athena had thunderbolt and Aegis which she shared with Zeus.

Who is Athena the goddess of and what is her relation to Zeus?

Athena is the goddess of wisdom. She is Zeus's favorite daughter. Her mother is Metis. When Zeus swallowed Metis because he was afraid of a son Metis was going to have, Zeus had a big headache, some one split open his head and out came Athena.

What is the daughter of zeus that came out his head?

it was Athena. Zeus swallowed his wife, Metis, when she was pregnant because he believed her child would be a boy who would be powerful enough to overtake Zeus himself. some time later Zeus began to have unbearable headaches; he ordered Hephastus to cut his head open with an axe. when he did, Athena sprang forth fully grown, dressed in armour, and ready for battle.