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There is no such thing as a plant without chlorophyll, unless you can tell me straight that you have seen a colorless plant that you can see right through. Dead plants lose their chlorophyll, though.

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14y ago

chlorophyll helps plants make food because it absorbs light energy from the sun. You may say that the plants has chlorophyll for it has green leaves. But as you see, there are other plants that don't have color green leaves but they didn't die, why? All plants ( except dead plants) have chlorophyll even when it is a non-colored green plant because chlorophyll absorbs not only light energy it also absorbs the color of the environment.

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12y ago

plants can't make their food without chlorophyll.

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Q: How did a plant without the presence of chlorophyll make its own food?
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When will be the plant able to prepare its own food?

Plants have got chlorophyll in them. With the help of the chlorophyll, plant synthesize their food in presence of light. So plants have always prepared their own food.

Why is chlorophyll important to the plant cell?

Because without it, the plant won't be able to produce its food(photosynthesis). Chlorophyll traps sunlights and gives the plant its energy.

Which part of the plant cannot work without the sun?

Chlorophyll can not produce the food necessary without the sun.

What is the importance of chlorophyll in the production of food in a plant?

as you know,chlorophyll helps trap sunlight to make food,right?so, without chlorophyll,plants don't makes food for themselves and naturally,they die.Plants,being food producers,provides food for other organisms directly or indirectly.without them,organisms have less air to breathe,and plant eaters willnot have food to eat.While without plant eaters,meat eaters will have no food to eat.without meat meaters,we,humans will have no food to eat .And so,the whole earth would extinguise.....all because of "chlorophyll"!

What can leaves not do without chlorophyll?

Without chlorophyll, plant leaves cannot use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide to organic compounds to use as food and structure of the plant. Note that parasitic plants like broomrape or dodder lack chlorophyll. They don`t need to photosynthesize because they take their food from other plants.

How do plants without green leaves such as the purple velvet vine make food?

Plants without green leaves, like the purple velvet vine, can make food through a process called heterotrophy. They obtain nutrients from other sources, such as decaying organic matter or by forming symbiotic relationships with fungi. These plants rely on alternative methods to obtain the energy needed for growth and survival.

What do chloropast contain?

Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the food that the plant uses to survive.

What makes its own food using chlorophyll?

Plant and algae makes its own food using chlorophyll.

How does chlorophyll Help the plant make food?

chlorophyll is the green coloured substance that helps to make the food

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Are chloroplasts found in every plant?

Without chloroplast(chlorophyll), the plant will not be able to make food and thus would die. So, the chloroplast is found in every plant.