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Ultimately, it wouldn't. The US needs to have access to Global Markets to sell its products and services. imposing tariffs on imported goods may help American manufacturers in the short term, but reprisals from the other major trading blocs (EU, China etc) would be swift.

It's been tried in the past and let to the great depression of the 1930's.

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Tariffs have the same affect on US manufacturers as they do in any country. A tariff can benefit a particular industry, such as automobile makers. A tariff on imported cars will enable the domestic car maker, have foreign imported cars more expensive. This can lead to increased business for the domestic industry. The downside of this is that consumers who wish to buy imported cars will have to pay more.

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The tariff of 1816 nurtured American manufacturers by doing what?

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Why did Adams want to pass a tariff on imported goods?

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What was the tariff of 1816?

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The Americans that benefited the most from the Tariff of 1816 were the manufacturers. The western and northern states, having a strong industrial base, strongly supported the tariff.

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In 1816 American manufacturers called for a protective tariff to protect the growing American industries.?

the answer is true a+ students

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How did the protective tariff help American manufactures?
