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Because God wanted him to do it. "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Meaning that anything is possible if God wants it to happen.

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Q: How did adam name all the animals in one day?
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What animals are at the Melbourne zoo?

There is a wide varity of animals at the Melbourne Zoo from tigers to all different types monkeys it would take all day to name them all.

What is the name for an animal that stays awake all day?

animals that stay awake all night are called nocturnal.

What animals have an official birthday?

All animals have a birth day. as the day they were born is there birthday.

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baby bink's real name was adam worton

What did Adam do when he was young?

Adam was NOT BORN by anyone. Jehovah God CREATED Adam as a full grown man from the elements of the earth. Adam was never a baby that had to learn to walk and speak. God gave Adam a human language, Hebrew. The Bible indicates that God communicated with Adam, perhaps on a daily basis, in the breezy part of the day (perhaps early evening.) The Bible says that when Adam was 'young' he was given the assignment to 'name the animals', whatever their names would be. Eve was also created, and not born.

Who were the first married couple in this world?

Do you know why today we name the animals by many different names? That is because just after creating the first man, God named him Adam. Next, God brought the animals for Adam to name them. Therefore, we have names of every kind of animals such as elephant, tiger, lion, dog, cat, jaguar, monkey, buffalo, cow, etc… After naming the animals, Adam felt so lonely, because there was no animal that could talk to him, and none of animals look like him. Seeing Adam lonely, God said: "human living by himself is not good, I will make another person like him, to help him." God made Adam fall into a deep sleep, then took out one of the man's ribs and formed a woman out of the rib, that was Eve. From that on, Adam and Eve became a married couple. The Lord God gave this new married couple a special gift, that was a beautiful garden and the whole wonderful world that God just created.Living in the garden, Mr. and Mrs. Adam enjoyed to look at the beautiful scenes and ate the delicious fruits in this garden. God also let them to take care the garden and manage all animals. From that, they lived happily together, in the garden filled of fresh flowers and fruits. Every day they learned new things in the nature, took care their plants and trees, and played with animals, birds, and also met God and talked to Him. Their life were very happy, no worry, no afraid of sickness. They lived near beside God and God watched over them every day.

Can you blame Adam and Eve for the fact you will die one day?

It all depends what you believe in.

Are all animals active?

Well not all animals are always active. Some animals are active in the day and some are active at night. Why do you ask this?

Who where the first people to walk the earth?

This is unknown. Many religious believers say the first two people to walk on Earth was Adam and Eve. God sent them to care for all the living things that he created. Adam was supposed to name all of the animals. God told them they could eat off everything except for the tree of good and evil. Satan took shape of a serpent and tempted Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of good and evil. They tried to hide from God but their is no possible way to hide from God, so He punished them for the rest of their life. Adam and Eve were Gods' final creation before he took a day of rest. That day of rest is on a Sunday which is why church services are mostly on Sundays.

What do animals in the rain forest do all day?

They sleep.

What is another name for All Saints Day?

The old name for All Saints day was all hallows day and the night before was All Hallow's een from which we get Halloween

What are three diurnal animals?

Humans, Horses & Cows are all diurnal animals (active by Day)