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They evolved to fill the niches found on land.

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Daryl Kemmer

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2y ago
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Q: How did adaptive radiation affect plants after they moved to land?
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After plants moved to land what happnend?

adaptive radiation formed mant new land plant species

When atoms are moved by radiation in what direction do they move?

Atoms moved by radiation may move in random directions, depending on the type and energy of the radiation. The movement can be in any direction, not necessarily in a specific pattern.

How can heat be moved by radiation energy?

Electromagnetic waves

What is energy moved through electromagnetic waves called?

Energy moved through electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic radiation. This radiation includes various forms of energy such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

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Radiation poisoning moved around the world by the wind.

What is the difference in the way animals and plants moved?

because they are strong

Heat can be moved through liquid and gas by what?

Heat can travel by conduction, convection and radiation in liquids and gases.

How does the continents affect peoples?

The continents affect people just by separation of land. There is nothing truly separate or different, but the plants and animals that live on them. If one person is moved from one to the other, lets say America to Antarctica, they would be very uncomfortable because of the temperature that differs from the two.

Does radiation transfer energy by moving matter?

No. Radiation transfers energy by the propagation of waves within the electromagnetic spectrum and the travel of photons (wave-particle duality). No matter is moved in this process.