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Q: How did adopting the policy of appeasement at the Munich Conference in September 1938 change Europe?
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What does the policy of appeasement refer to?

The policy of appeasement refers to Hitler saying at the Munich conference that he would not invade any more of Europe after Czechoslovakia. It failed, obviously.

The Munich conference came to symbolize the dangers of what?

The 1938 Munich conference was part of the policy called '"appeasement" or giving in towards the demands of Adolf Hitler in order to ensure peace. Appeasement is a general term used in diplomacy to " give in" or to placate an aggressive enemy. The term was popularized when the Munich conference agreement was later termed to be a worthless agreement as within a year, Europe was at war.

The plan to meet Hitler's demands in Europe was known as?


Why did Europe take a stance of appeasement against Hitler?

Hitlers has taken almost all of Europe.

Where was the conference held that decided Europe boundaries?

The conference that decided where Europe's boundaries would be was held in Vienna. This conference took place in 1815.

What is a good definition of appeasement used in Europe in the 1930s?

Hi bob

Why did policy of appeasement make sense to chamberlain?

chamberlain did no war so he made an act for appeasement also since the great depression was still in act no one in europe or outside europe was prepared for another war

What as the international peace conference held in Austria in 1814?

The Congress of Vienna was an International Conference and the main goal of it was to create a balance of power that would preserve the peace in Europe. In 1814, the Congress organised the conferenceto remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon. This peace conference was held in Vienna, Austria from September, 1814 to June 1815. four big power, Austria,Russia,Prussia and Great Britain, led the conference. The main goal to establish peace in Europe became highly successful and Europe remain undisturbed for almost 40 years as an outcome of this International Peace Conference

Which led to Germany continuing to spread its military influence throughout Europe?


What led Germany to continuing to spread its military influence throughtout Europe?


Why did other countries in Europe used the strategy of appeasement?

It was an attempt to avoid war

Where was the conference that decided the boundaries of Europe in 1815?

The conference was held in Vienna.