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Q: How did anchint Egyptians use there weapons?
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What weapons did the wealthy Egyptians use?

Going on a limb here, but wealthy Egyptians probably didn't fight.

What did the conquerors of Egypt have that gave them an advantage over the Egyptians?

The conquerors of Egypt had an advantage of Romans because of their weapons.

Why did the egyptians first fall to the hyksos and then drive them out?

the Egyptians wanted to learn how to make bronze weapons and how to use chariots

When did ancient Egyptians use weapons?

Of what I know, all of the time..... But i think they started using modern weapons in the 18 or 1900's.... Alternatively, when they fought.

How did the Egyptians used there weapons?


How did ancient Egyptians make weapons?


What did the Egyptians trade for?

iron weapons and tools

What weapons did the Hyksos use to defeat the ancient Egyptians?

The Hyksos used chariots and bronze weapons to defeat the ancient Egyptians. They used a time of political weakness between dynasties when no one was sure who would take over the throne.

How did the ancient egyptians make weapons?

thay are a fail

How did the Egyptians make their weapons?

Blacksmiths made their weapons by using heat to craft hard materials.

What kind of hunting weapons did the ancient Egyptians use?

The ancient Egyptians instead of fighting the enemy the would kill themselves.

What are two things Egyptians learned from the Hyksos?

They learned how to steer horses