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Autism is inborn. They haven't figure out what causes autism yet.

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The same thing that causes all Autism now. It may have gone unnoticed for a very long time, but it was the same thing then as it is now.

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Q: What caused the first case of autism in humans?
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What year was the first case of autism seen?

Response: The first case of autism was diagnosed in the united states in 1942. Response: The word "autism" was used in descriptions of schizophrenia as early as 1910 by Eugen Bleuler, but it did not refer to the modern description of autism. Leo Kanner (1894-1981) wrote a paper, "Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact", in 1943 in which he used the word "autism" in its modern sense. Before that time, the condition now known as autism was called by other names (based on evaluations of case studies of children from earlier periods, some of whom were labelled as "possessed").

What are the academic advantages of children with autism?

I would say that although in general this answer would depend on the severity of the autism, I have not encountered a case in which autism proved to be an academic advantage.

What atypical reactions to medicines have you noticed in people with Asperger's Syndrome or autism such as codeine keeping them awake all night?

In my case it caused my son to stim more than usual.

What if you have a child and you have a minor case of autism will the child get the genetic disorder aswell?

There's no such thing as a 'minor case of autism', you're either Autistic or you're not. If you are Autistic it is more likely that your children will be Autistic too as it is genetic.

When was autism first diagnosed?

Dr. Leo Kanner (1894-1981), who was born in Klekotow, Austria, is one of the first persons to study autism. He was a psychiatrist and physician who published a paper in 1943, "Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact", describing his work with children who would now be labeled as having autism. Dr. Hans Asperger (1906-1980), another pediatrician born in Austria, also studied autism, but he studied children who, from his descriptions of them, had high-functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome. His first paper on this was published in 1944. Both Kanner and Asperger were studying children with autism at the same time, and their work has contributed to our current understanding of autism.

What are the 3 hallmark behaviors in detecting autism?

being one with autism i have noticed that I am full of energy i can pay attention to one perticular thing at one time and i find complex things interesting but i havea mild case of autism and my "curses" as some call it can be varied between another kid with a higher case of autism it's by no means a curse or a disease and has a lot of upsides but it can get annoying at times

Is there any record of someone with autism giving birth to a child with autism?

Yes, there are known situations of persons with autism having children with autism. There is a genetic component to autism. Some people with autism get married and have children. Some of those children have autism, but some do not. Autism varies in its severity, so other people might not recognize that a person has autism. Sometimes a parent with autism or Asperger's Syndrome is not diagnosed until after having a child with a more severe case that is diagnosed.

How many case of autism in children 1942?

It's absolutely impossible to know how many cases of Autism there were in 1942. This is because Autism as a diagnosis didn't exist at that time, thus essentially Autism didn't exist, Autistic people would have been misdiagnosed as any number of other conditions.

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woman's, his. A+ fool

What are the chances my daughter will have autism I have a 19 y o with autism my daughter is 7 months?

Your children would not 'have autism' they would be Autistic.As autism is genetic often siblings of Autistic children will be Autistic too, but this isn't always the case - autism does tend to be more common in males, and obviously it depends on parents genes. In girls autism is a lot harder to pick-up on and diagnose, so it may take some time to spot traits.

What is mild autism?

There's no such thing as mild autism, there is just autism.A person is born Autistic, how their autism effects them can vary greatly and change throughout their lives. This is why autism is know an a spectrum disorder. Also some people claim Asperger Syndrome is a 'mild form of autism' but this isn't the case, it's just an old diagnosis for Autistic people who didn't display developmental delays - or often it was used to diagnose people to avoid stigma of Autism.