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Q: How did barnabas the levite acquire his land that he sold and gave to the church?
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Who was Barnabas who went to Tarsus to visit Apostle paul?

Barnabas was a Levite, a native of Cyprus, and companion to Paul. His name was Joseph (Joses) before the disciples called him Barnabas. Barnabas sold his property and gave the proceeds to the Jerusalem church. He also introduces Saul of Tarsus to this church.

Who do you think empowered Barnabas to sell his property and gave the money from its sale to the apostles?

Barnabas did of course. It was not required of Barnabas to give, it was simply a gift that he provided of his own free will to allow the teaching of the gospel to continue. But there is a catch to Barnabas as he was a Levite. Many confuse this giving in written in the gospel with the Stoic-Sofist based doctrine of Marx and Engels and their dialectic of materialism. The Stoic-Sofist version is based on tyrannical forced means. it usually relies on the government to use its powers of taxation to redistribute wealth. The Stoic-Sofist version stands in contrast to our Fathers laws "thou shalt not covet" and " thou shalt not steal" The Christian version is based on compassion, benevolence, consideration for your fellow man, love our our Father and his Christ and thanks for all he has done for you. It is left entirely to the individual without the involvement of government in any form. Its referred to several times in Christian text and makes up part of your good works which are glorified in heaven. You need to note that Barnabas (acts 4:36) was a Levite, which is the tribe chosen to serve in the temple of God. Levites, especially priests were not given any land for and inheritance this is laid out in the book of numbers chapter 3 further, Joshua 13:14 is specific about this point. The question therefore would be; what was this man of the tribe of Levi doing with land as a possession when the Levites were not given land as a possession?

Who joined paul and barnabas on their first missionary journey?

Barnabas appears to have been the leader of the first missionary journey. There are several reasons for believing this. 1. Barnabas originally took on a mentoring role, seeking out Paul and bringing him to Antioch before. 2. Luke gives Barnabbas primacy in listing at the beginning of the mission trip (Acts 13) and only later moves to placing Paul first. 3. The mission trip started by going to Cyprus, which was the homeland of Barnabas. Only after that, did they go to Asia Minor, the homeland of Paul. 4. The people in the city of Lystra believed that Barnabas was the leader of the team. According to Acts 14: 11-12, "When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they yelled out in the language of Lycaonia, 'The gods have turned into humans and have come down to us!' The people then gave Barnabas the name Zeus, and they gave Paul the name Hermes, because he did the talking." So the people saw Barnabas as Zeus, the leader of the gods, and Paul as Hermes, the spokesman of the gods. While we (rightly) give great credit to Paul as a great missionary, it seems as if Barnabas may have been the one that developed the method of missions that was used by Paul and Barnabas on the first trip, Paul on the 2nd and 3rd trips, and (presumably) Barnabas and John Mark on their 2nd trip.

Who was the Levite that sold all his illegal property to follow Jesus?

You might be talking about Matthew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He is a tax collector before he become one of the followers of Jesus Christ...No... Barnabus =)Another answer:Barnabas was indeed a Levite who sold his property and gave the proceeds to the apostles (Acts 4:36, 37), but there's no indication that it was "illegal property." If it's being referred to as "illegal" because the Levites received no inheritance of land "among their brethren" (Deuteronomy 18:1, 2), note that Barnabas was "of the country of Cyprus," and any land he owned there was not "among" Israel, so it could not have been part of any tribal inheritance. Therefore it would not have been "illegal" for him to own.

Who did Moses parents descend from?

Exodus 2:1 says a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman who gave birth to Moses so Moses and his parents were Israelites from the Tribe of Levi.

Who are the persons who contributed to the church?

The members of the church, believers, visitors, total strangers and people who were helped by the Church often gave to the Church too.

Who gave the doukobours there name?

the russian orthdox church

Does an auditor in a church have the right to ask for the names of the people of what they gave to the church?

Themoney on a Sunday collection can not be asked by a auditor.

Who was Barnabas to Jesus?

He was a prominent figure of first-century Christianity. We first read about him at Acts 4:34-36. He was a Levite and a native of the island of Cyprus who has relocated to Jerusalem. He is mentioned among those who sold their fields and houses and gave the price to the congregation for the advancement of the Christian work. Barnabas' birth name was Joseph, but the apostles surnamed him Barnabas, meaning "Son of Comfort." The practice of giving surnames in keeping with one's characteristics was common in that day. He was a companion of the Apostle Paul, and is well known for a moment of appearant weakness where he and Paul "had a sharp burst of anger" between them.(Acts 15:37-41) However, it seems that the two of them reconciled, since Paul later spoke highly of Barnabas and his cousin Mark, over whom the disagreement arose to begin with. (Galatians 2:9; Colossians 4:10) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would add one note. The idea of an "apparent weakness" can also be contributed to Paul. Barnabas had a reputation for steadiness, graciousness, humility, and encouragement, while Paul was the more passionate of the two. Barnabas was responsible for Paul's acceptance by the apostles in Jerusalem, and it was his spiritual discernment that caused him to accept John Mark back into his company. Paul would later accept and recognize John Mark's calling, and it would appear that it was due to the work accomplished under the patient instruction of Barnabas that such acceptance came about. Without Barnabas, we may not have had the Gospel of Mark. The split, though concerning on the surface, may have been precisely what was needed. John Mark may not have blossomed under the harder task master at so early a state in his career as an evangelist. Also, we must not forget that the event enabled two missionary endeavors where before only one had been proposed. God is a God of wonders.

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