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For one thing, Greek gods were their only explanation for things. They gave up the best parts of the meat for them, and named cities, seas, and masses of land after the gods. Also, it taught (many of) them not to be foolish, and always follow your elders and other important things. I recommend read the book

D'aulaires' Book Of Greek Myths

By Ingri and Edgar D'aulaires.

If that does not answer your question, I apologize.

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Gods were the crux of Greek culture which was chaos. God were supernatural beings with power to perform tricks, spells, and body morphing. The usually used the village as the stage to create trouble and people loved them for their beauty and feared them.

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The way you would worship Greek Gods is by believing in them, giving them offerings in fires, and praying to them.

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One major component that made up Ancient Greek culture was slavery. The Greeks were also deeply religious people with many gods and goddesses whom they worshiped.